The Day Everything Changed

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I'd like to thank everyone that voted for the love interest all 3 voted for none other than Sara Lance,I want to thank you for your votes and support it means a slot to me much love 🤘.


[ Andrew's POV]

As me, mom and Thea stand in front of Ollie and dads grave morning the, we just lost them 2 weeks ago and it's still fresh in all of our minds, Thea and mom is a wreak crying over our loss as the man of the house now I have to be strong, don't get me wrong I'm crying on the inside and when I'm alone I'll let it out but right now I want my mom a sister to morn before I do.

As they lower the caskets in the ground I couldn't help but think back to when I was little like this one time when I was 5 dad finally took me to Queens Consolidated for the first time I was in awe of how big that place was but in all honesty I just enjoyed spending time with my dad cause I hardly ever got to, and I couldn't help thinking back when Ollie first started liking girls he was so awkward at it untill I showed him how to treat a woman, that is until he started to hang out with a bunch of party people and my teachings went out the window.

We had to bury empty coffins because we never could find their bodies, come to think of it we never found The Queen's Gambit either which is odd.

When they finally started to put the dirt on the coffins I got in-between my sister and mother to hold them close.

Andrew: It's ok I'm here for you two and I'll help as much as I can.

Mom looks at me from my left shoulder with bloodshot eyes sniffling while saying.

Mom:(Crying) You don't have to do that Andrew.......

But before she could finish that sentence I said.

Andrew: Yeah, Yeah I do mom I'm the man of the house now and I'm going to take the responsability, I'm taking dad's place at the company.

Thea was shocked at my revelation and said with tears in her eyes.

Thea: But Andy you didn't want to take over, you wanted to open up your own dojo and youth center to keep kids off the street.

I looked at my little sister on my right holding my arm then I smiled at her and said.

Andrew: (Smiling) I know speedy but family comes first don't worry I'm still going to it will just take a little longer than expected.

After I said that we turned back to the graves,watching the gravediggers put the last piece of dirt on their graves, after we began to walk off to the limo to try to pick up the pieces and try to feel the void that Ollie and dad left In our hearts.

{ 3 weeks Later }

We tried to move on, Thea had gotten caught up with the wrong crowd,I tried to keep her on the straight path and its hard to be a brother and a Father at the same time, mom she still is morning she barely gets out of bed anymore I try to help her but she always says she will be fine, I wish I could believe her but I don't.

As I'm walking out of the elevator and heading to my office I turn the corner and accidentally bump into a blonde haired woman with glasses she drops her files and I immediately bend down to pick them up along side her.

Andrew: I'm so, so sorry here let me help you.

I start to pick up the files as she helps.

Blonde haired woman: It's ok I wasn't paying attention either, but thank you.

I get all them up and hand them to her,as I do I get a better look at her and she is a beautiful woman, I couldn't help but stare.

Blonde haired woman:(Blushing) Is, Is there something on my face?

As she said that I broke eye contact and got flustered but I said.

Andrew: No, no it's just you are a very beautiful woman, I like your glasses.

She blushed again trying to hide it with her free hand while saying.

Blonde haired woman: Thank (clears throat) thank you.

After she says that I start to walk away but she stops me.

Blonde haired woman: I'm Felicity by the way, Felicity Smoak.

I turn around and extend my hand while saying.

Andrew: I'm Andrew, Andrew Queen, nice to meet you Felicity Smoak.

She takes my hand and as I say my last name her eyes go big and say.

Felicity: You mean the Andrew Queen as in the boss, my boss?

She starts rambling I just put up my hand to stop her and I say.

Andrew: Felicity..... Breath it's ok I'm just a normal person like you I'm nothing special.

She clams down and starts to breath became even again.

Felicity: Ok....... I should get back to work I'll talk to you later I mean if that's ok.

I look at her and smirk as I par her shoulder while saying.

Andrew: I'd like that Felicity, have a nice day.

After I said that I started to walk to my office again, leaving a very flustered and blushing Felicity watching me leave.

I get in my office after I get my mail and my daily schedule from my assistant, I sit behind my desk getting ready to start my day.

As I sat there I was thinking I really didn't want to run the company but as I got in the Grove of things I found out I got a knack for this kind of stuff.

As I was thinking that one of the executives from the board came into my office to go over the weekly figures. He sits down in front of me and I say.

Andrew: So tell me Dan how is the figures this week?

Dan looks at me and smiles while handing me the stock and business report while saying.

Dan: Since you took over Queen Consolidated our stock has rose 100% and business has increased ten fold.
We are so far in the green that even Lexcorp can't keep up with us.

I chuckled at that cause knowing Lex Luther he hates being shown up by his own words ' An inexperienced little brat ' well Lex how do you like this 'brat' now.

As we continue to go over the numbers I look out the window in my office wondering if dad and Ollie would be proud at what I'm doing and carrying on the family legacy, I just hope I can live up to the Queen name.

( To Be Continued)

How did you like this chapter?

Will Andrew and Felicity 'bump' into eachother again?

Will Andrew make his dad proud?

What do you think Lex Luther will do when he sees Queen Consolidated is beating Lex Corp?

Feedback is appreciated.

This is Skooter137 signing off till next time 🤘.

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