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[ Andrew's POV ]
{ A Week Later }

Right after me and Sara took down Mist, it took Sara 2 days to recover but it left a scar where Mists claws went in, she thought it looked ugly but I told her to don't think about that think of this way she survived and she should bare those scars proud, after I told her that she started to think that way, it was her first huge scar so naturally I understood.

Right now me and Sara along with the rest of The League was in the courtyard awaiting the arrival of Rhas, Nissa, and Talia, we got a message 2 days ago saying the ritual was successful and now they are ready for the next step.

Me and Sara was standing in front of The League cause Rhas left me in charge while he was gone, he said it was good practice for when I took his place, I still don't know how he knew I was awake when I awoke, unless he left a soy for him like evaluating me which isn't trust if you ask me.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Sara putting her hand on my shoulder, I looked to her and she motioned with her head a helicopter in the distance coming from the West, immediately I started to feel tense I don't know why cause I all the near death experiences I've had a long with the scars I have.

The chopper landed and the doors slid open to reveal Rhas in ancient looking armor then after he got out Nissa and Talia came out and I must say they are glowing, when the sun hit their skin it made them look like goddesses, I was so mesmerized I slowly walked forward, Sara was concerned and walked with me, as soon as we came face to face with Rhas I came out of my thoughts and bowed to Rhas, I looked up to see Rhas smiling at me then he spoke.

Rhas Al Ghoul: I see that you can see their transformation, good you are so close to taking my place.

I didn't know what's to say so I just nodded at him from the bowed position while he continued.

Rhas Al Ghoul: Report Alshabah, what has been happing here since I've been gone?

Well that confirmed that he didn't have a spy spying on me so that's good, after that thought I spoke.

Alshabah Al'abyad: Unfortunately we suffered a casualty.

Rhas looked down at me and put his hand on my shoulder letting me know to stand so I did and I looked him in the eyes, he sighed heavily then said.

Rhas Al Ghoul: Who was the casualty?

I smirked from under my mask remembering the killing blow that killed that pervert then spoke without emotion like I was trained.

Alshabah Al'abyad: It was Mist, he was found mutilated in the torture chamber, we suspect while he was.... indulging himself the prisoner took advantage and killed him, they may have stunned him and unlocked the cells and all the prisoners took him out.

Rhas just nodded his head listening to me hanging on every word I was saying after I finished he began to walk motioning me to follow, I looked back at the ladies l, they all was standing next to eachother looking at me they all smiled at me, I can't believe all of those women cared for me but I can't shake the feeling something big is coming and it will change the world as we know it.

We made it to Rhas' Throne room, he sat down and I stood in the center as he spoke.

Rhas Al Ghoul: Please Alshabah tell me the truth.

I looked at him shocked but I quickly steadied myself and said.

Alshabah Al'abyad: What do you mean Master?

He looks at me with a smile then said.

Rhas Al Ghoul: I know what he did to you Alshabah, and if I'm being honest I was going to have him killed when I got back.

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