A Trip To Centeral City

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𖤍𖤍Andrew's POV𖤍𖤍

When  we got the whereabouts of Scortch i was in my room getting ready to leave for Centeral City when my door opened, i looked over my shoulder to see Sara standing there when she saw that i knew she was there she shut the door and came over to me sitting on the bed next to my duffle bag i was packing as she said.

Sara: I know you want revenge for what they did to you, but remember you have wives to come back to and a child on the way...

I sighed heavily and moved my duffle bag away from Sara so i could sit next to her, when i did she put her head on my shoulder as i began to talk.

Andrew: Well that's the thing i only have two wives now...

Sara raised her head from my shoulder and looked at me confused as i looked over at her while i spoke.

Andrew: Talia sent me this yesterday...

I said as i brought out an evelope with a letter and another paper. She took ot from me as she read the note then after she read it she got angry as she said.

Sara: I can't believe her! The nerve of leaving you for Bruce Wayne of all people!

I grabbed her hand and she looked at me as i smiled at her as i said.

Andrew: I know, and i also know they have been seeing eachother on and of for years... So i signed the papers, so they can be together...

Sara: Does Nissa know?

Andrew: I showed her this morning.... She was furious almost as much as you..

I said with a chuckle as i continued.

Andrew: I had to give her some warm milk to calm her down.

After that i got up and said as i looked at Sara asi said.

Andrew: While im away mail that to Wayne manor for me?

She nodded to me as i tied up my duffle bag and we left our room, once we were down stairs i was met with Ollie, Thea, and Nissa as they said.

Oliver: You sure you don't need me to come?

I smiled at my little brother as i said.

Andrew: Im sure Ollie, i trust you to protect my wives and unborn child....

Thea: Don't go dying again....

Thea said with her voice breaking, i put down my bag and went up to her and hugged as i said.

Andrew: Don't worry sis, i will always come back to my family....

After i said that Nissa came up to me and we embraced her with her head on my right peck listening to my heart beat as she said.

Nissa: Husband, be careful. I know you have a just reason why you have to find them....

She looked up into my blue eyes as she continued.

Nissa: Just come home safely....

I smiled at her and kissed her lips then i said.

Andrew: Always, cause i got my wives and family.... Not to mention....

I said as i put my hand on her now visible 4 month pregnant stomach as i continued.

Andrew: Our child....

After another moment holding her we seperated and Sara walked up to me with my bag as she put it around my shoulder then holding me as i held her back while she spoke with a smile.

Sara: Show them they messed with the wrong man babe...

After she said that we kissed for a moment until we parted and i went to the garage to see my old car fully repaired.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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