Close Encounters

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[ Andrew's POV ]

It's been a couple of weeks since i revealed my identity to my family and friends. A day after i did i went to see mom in jail when she saw me she strated to cry and ran to me and we hugged. The guards let it happen cause they knew my story. And the story me and Ollie came up with was that after my car crash someone took me to a hospital and i was in a coma under the name John Doe.

Me and mom talked for hours but then the guard said it was time to go so we hugged one last time and i left. A few days after that Ollie stepped down as head of Queen Consolidated and gave me the reins. It was nice to be back were i started before i became The White Phantom.

Right now im in my office as one of people running for mayor came into my office with Felicity not to fat behind as she spoke.

Felicity: Im sorry Mr. Queen but Mr. Blood insisted to see you...

I stood up and spoke to Felicity with a smile.

Andrew: It's ok Miss Smoak, i'll see him...

She smiled then left, i looked to Sebastian and gestured him to sit on the couch to the right of the room and he did. I sat in front of him in a matching chair as he spoke.

Sebastian: When i heard the news that you were alive i was relived to hear.

I forced a smiled at him but i could tell he didn't mean what he said. You see i know for a fact he is up to no good. He looked at my scar on my face as he spoke.

Sebastian: I see you carry a scar from thay accident.... And their is something about your eyes....

I am now able to control when my eyes turn that electric blue, it was hard to do and right after i killed Mist i some how felt stronger than i ever have before even after that torture he and Scorch and Shadow did to me. Then i looked at him and said.

Andrew: Oh this.... This is to remind me that i survived that..... And to always be careful.....

Sebastian just nodded in agreement then he tried to change the subject.

Sebastian: ..... Anyway i wanted to formally invite you to a party that your brother said he was putting together....

When he said that i knew what he meant so i picked up were he left off.

Andrew: Oh yeah Oliver did tell me about that.... As of now im in charge of that and we will have it here.... To show you have the support of the Queen family.....

I said as we both stood up and shook hands as he spoke again.

Sebastian: I look forward to it... and i hope it would be possible if you could say a few words?....

I smiled at him as we released our hand shake then said.

Andrew: Of course, you can count on me....

I led him to the door and opened it for him and as soon as he got into elevator and the doors shut i looked to Felicity and said in a serious tone.

Andrew: Felicity can i speak to you please?...

She nodded then got up from her desk and followed me back into my office and i pushed a pressure plate on the side of the glass doors and there was a button. I pushed it and the glass turned black and when it did the room became sound proof.

I walked back over to my desk as i sat down Felicity sat on top of the desk in front of me as i spoke.

Andrew: Notify Oliver that Sebastian Blood is up to something....

She looked at me with confusion as she tilted her head to the side as i elaborated.

Andrew: With the powers i got i can sense when someone is not in it for the good of the people.... And i can sense that he is being controlled by someone else.....

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