The Departure

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[ Andrew's POV ]
{ 2 Weeks Later }

It has been 2 weeks since my marriage to the three most beautiful women in the world and in that time we have had a lot of late night sessions if you catch my drift. Also I've been worried what Nissa and Talia would think if we just left, I've been putting it off until today because today it confirmed my worst fear Nissa is pregnant which means I have to decend to the demons head.

Me and Sara already spoke about it and she's happy about it but she told me it's definitely time to get out of here cause once I become Rhas let's just say wouldn't be the ideal place to raise children which I agreed.

Right now me and Sara are sitting in my chambers waiting for Nissa and Talia to come in, me and Sara summoned them to ask them to come with us, we already packed and I packed some of their stuff to If they decide to come with us.

After a couple of moments Nissa and Talia come through the door smiling when they saw me there, I get up and hug them both and kiss them before we sit down on the bed as Sara stands next to our luggage, they were confused as to why we packed so they spoke.

Talia: Love, why are our things packed.

I looked from the luggage and back to them I sighed heavily then spoke as I held their hands.

Andrew: As you know, now that Nissa is expecting.

I said as I took my hand from hers and rubbed her stomach as she smiled as she put her hand to mine on her stomach then I continued.

Andrew: So I was thinking, we were thinking .

I said looking to Sara then back to them as I continued.

Andrew: It's time to leave this place, it's not the ideal place to raise children, and plus do you know what I have to do to decend to Rhas Al Ghoul?

At this point Sara sat next to Nissa and Talia, they all looked confused and motioned me to continue. I got up from the bed as I paced the room pained at what I have to say but I had to.

Andrew: It is a painful process, nothing I haven't been through before but it also means I'll lose myself which means the man you three fell in love with will change and not for the better.

I sat back down Infront of them as they looked at me very worried at what they just heard as I continued.

Andrew: I'd be gone for at least 3 months and when I come back any trace of my old life will be gone which also means I'll have to kill my sister and mother and I'll be damned if id ever do that. So my wives will you come with me and Sara?

Sara got up and went behind me putting her hand on my right shoulder as we looked on to the two sisters looking at eachother and after a few moments they looked back to me as they said.

Nissa: I'm with you child love, I go where you go.

She said as she got up and kissed me passionately then stood by Sara, then we looked to Talia who yet to say anything then she spoke.

Talia: I brought you here Love and over the years I've grown to love you, so I'm in where are we going.

I got up from the bed and took out a burner phone and called the person who could help us get out of here.

Andrew: Yeah it's me.... it's time to do operation Spector...... yeah in 3 hours.... see you then.

After that I hung up and looked to my wives then Nissa spoke.

Nissa: Love, who was that.

I smiled at them then put the burner in my bag as I said.

Andrew: A close friend who I helped out more than once.

         €€€€€€ 3 Hours Later€€€€€€
       €€€ Outskirts of Nanda Parbat€€€

I looked at my watch as it hit 12:00 am on the dot when Talia spoke.

Talia: Where is this mysterious ally you called to help us?

Sara looked to Talia then said with a hand on her shoulder.

Sara: He will be here, he's just fashionable late.

I smiled at what she said cause it is true even when I was training him he was always later to practice. After a moment I spoke.

Andrew: She's right my little raven, he was always late even when I trained him.

They both looked at me confused as Nissa ask as she held my hand.

Nissa: You trained him here?

I looked down to Nissa and smiled as I said.

Andrew: Of course, after all Rhas made me a leader of my own battalion before I ascended to where I was before now.

After I said that out of nowhere a futuristic helicopter came out of a invisibility state surprising the two sisters. When it landed the doors opened to see none other than Bruce Wayne stepping off the helicopter. I went up to him and he hugged as we parted I said.

Andrew: Fashionably late as usual I see.

After I said that he laughed then said.

Bruce: Well Master, you know me and my obligations that I have in Gotham.

I smiled at him as I went to grab mine and my wives luggage we all went aboard the air craft as I spoke.

Andrew: I know you do how is that going by the way.

I asked as I put the luggage down and sat beside my wives as he spoke.

Bruce: It's going good, but I have to thank you with the help you gave me setting up everything.

I smiled at him and waved him off as I said.

Andrew: No need to thank me, what are friends for.

He made his way back to the controls as he asked.

Bruce: So where to Master?

I looked to him then to Nissa, Talia and Sara, I smiled at them then looked back to Bruce with a stern face as I said.

Andrew: It's time to go home, it's time to head back to Starling City.

( To Be Continued )

How did you like the chapter?

How will Rhas Al Ghoul take the sudden departure?

What will the child be?

Was it to soon to make one of them pregnant?

This is Skooter137 signing off till next time 🤘.

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