Getting Used To Being Home

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[ Andrew's POV ]

After a couple days of being home i haven't been out of my bunker much, Nissa and Talia on the other hand went out and explored the city of my birth. And they said it explains alot about me, what ever that means.

Right now im in my investigation room on my computer watching security footage of my family back at Queen Manor. And Thea has gotten so big and mature for her age. Mom married Walter then they divorced cause of her hiding the fact that she was part of the big quake that happened in The Glades. Now she's in prison for it.

The Magician aka Malcom Merlin, if i knew The Magician was Malcom i would have stopped him from leaving Nanda Parbat. And cause of my carelessness he killed thousands of innocent people that lived The Glades.

And last but not least my little brother Oliver, i thought he died on The Gambit. Turns out Sara didn't tell me he was alive cause the last time she seen him he was buried under the wreckage of a German Tanker ship, Which she thought he died.

As i was watching Thea talking to Oliver in the living room i couldn't help but smile at the scene. Then an impulse hit me so i un-muted the audio to here what they were saying.

Oliver: Do you remember the time when you me and Andrew went to Tommy's for his 8th birthday party?

Thea laughed a little as she remembered what that day intelled.

Thea: Yeah i do. Andrew almost had a cow when he saw me on top of that rock wall while you and Tommy was laughing so hard cause you didn't tie me to nothing.

They continued to laugh at the memory. Me i remember that day to and i did have a cow cause mom told me to watch out for Thea or id be in for it when i got home. After the laughter died down Oliver spoke.

Oliver: And without missing a beat Andrew climbed to the top of that rock wall in under a minute, grabbed you and put you on his back and climbed back down, then he said and i quote "If you two ever do that to Thea again ill deflate your thousand dollar bike tires and laugh as i do it."

Thea: And you know we would have without a second thought.

It went silent until Oliver grabbed a photo of me and Them together when i graduated high school before i left to make a name for myself. They both looked at the photo and i could see in their faces that they miss me. As i looked at them i sighed then said.

Andrew: I miss you guys too. But i can't come back to life yet. Not until i make some plans. Plans to make sure we all will be protected.

After i said that i looked back up to the screen to see them as Oliver spoke again as he had a death grip on the photo with tears in his eyes.

Oliver: I don't know if i can run Queen Consoladatied like you did Andrew. But ill do my best to make you proud..... You were more than just my brother. You were my guiding rod.

Thea: .... And if im being honest he was more of a dad to me than Robert was..... Not a day goes by that i don't go into his room just to feel closer to him---

Before she could finish i shut the monitor off and closed my eyes as i looked away with tears in my eyes. After a moment i felt hands on my shoulders so i opened my eyes and looked up to see my wives standing there with simpathetic faces as i spoke as i wiped my eyes.

Andrew: How long were you all standing behind me....

Sara: We came in when you started to listen in.....

Nissa: Love how long are you going to hurt yourself like this?

Andrew: Until i made a plan for ever possible scenario.

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