Finally Home

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[ Andrew's POV ]
{ 2 Days Later }

After being on the heli-jet for 2 days we made it back to Starling City. I told Bruce to put us down near the old Queen factory in the Glades cause it would be abandoned. That is was I thought when we landed on the roof of the factory we could hear music and dancing.

I looked to Nissa,Talia and Sara then said.

Andrew: I didn't know they sold the factory..... Well it has been 3 years since I was in Starling.

We stepped out of the heli-jet then I clasped hands with Bruce thanking him for helping us out then we made our way down to the ground floor. When we got there whoever bought the factory made it into a club called Verdant. Good thing we changed into regular clothes. Me in blue jeans, black tee-shirt, leather jacket and combat boots. While Nissa wore a long jacket with black leather pants and a red blouse and women's boots. Talia wore a red leather jacket over a red dress with 6 inch heels. And Sat was wearing a blue cap with a blue denim jacket, black tee-shirt along with skin tight cargo pants and combat boots.

We made our way into the club and made our way past all of the partiers. I looked up to the office area and I was taken aback. I stopped and looked up to see none other than Oliver and Thea standing at the big glass window looking over the clubers. The girls was wondering why I stopped until they looked up to see them standing there as we spoke taking our eyes off of them.

Sara: I thought he died?

Nissa: If he survived could your father be alive?

Talia: That is a shock.

I looked to my wives then said as we glanced back up to them.

Andrew: I don't know, but I will find out one way or the other.

After I said that Oliver glanced over to us and I pushed the ladies casually toward the back. I just hope he didn't see me.

We made it to the back as Talia spoke.

Talia: Why did you push us off the dance floor?

Andrew: I thought Oliver saw us so I couldn't risk him knowing that I'm back yet.

Nissa: Isn't that what you wanted since we came here?

She asked as she put a hand on my cheek cupping it then I said as I did the same to her.

Andrew: Not right now......

I took my hand of her and motioned them to follow me as I continued to speak.

Andrew: I have to make a plan cause you will never know when Rhas will put two and two together.

We made it downstairs and I looked around before I pushed in a Brick in the wall. As I did the floor opened up to reveal a bunker. We went in to see state of the art computers and weapons along the wall with display cases for our armor then we spoke.

Andrew: Welcome to the Phantoms Haunted House ... I built this like a year after I was realesed from my torture. The first time I came after Killer Crock.

They all looked around to see all the things I did to this bunker. Over in another room was like 4 bedrooms with bathrooms connected to them. Then there was an open space where there was exercise equipment. The other room to the right was like a place to lounge around but it also had a big board where you could put pictures and documents on when you are investigating something.

The women was in awe of what I did to this place as they spoke as we laid our bags down.

Talia: So this is why it took you so long to get back after the contract.

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