The Marriages

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[ Andrew's POV ]

Nissa and Talia was looking at my newly revealed face and I was just concerned what they would think, they both looked to my scar on the left of my face, they both felt of it and they could tell it was a deep slash when it was fresh, after they did that they leaned in so we could be the only ones to hear then they spoke.

Talia: This is why you didn't want us to see your face?

I nodded my head at her then looked away in shame, that's when Nissa grabbed my chin and made me look at them then she said with a smile and kind voice.

Nissa: We do not care what you look like, we love what's on the inside of you, it's just a bonus you got a body of a god~.

She said with a hint of playfulness in her voice Talia nodded in agreement then Sara spoke as she put her arm around my waist.

Sara: She has a point Alshabah, you are perfect the way you are.

After she said that Rhas spoke from where he was on his throne.

Rhas Al Ghoul: Excellent, now you all must get some rest the ceremony will take place at dawn.

After he said that we bowed to him and left the throne room, when we got to my room I turned to see the 3 most beautiful women I've ever seen then I had to ask.

Alshabah Al'abyad: So, now that you all are on the same page are we to share a chamber?

I asked with a very curious question, the 3 of them looked at eachother and smiled then back to me, they slowly made there way up to me, Talia grabbed my left hand as Nissa grabbed my Right Then Sara took off her belt and put it around my waist leading me into my chambers for what was the most exciting and loving night I've ever had in my life.

{ The Next Day: Dawn }

As the morning sun began to peak through the curtains it hit my face waking me up I tried to move but I had a weight on my arms and chest, I fully opened my eyes to see Sara on my chest Nissa on my left arm and Talia on my right, that's when I remembered what we did last night, I smiled to myself then I slowly got my arms back then I was stumped how am I going to get Sara off my chest without waking her.

As I was thinking on how to do that a knock came from my door waking up all the ladies, they looked around then back to me I smiled at them and they did the same as they snuggled back on me not even a hint of getting off and Sara just buried her face back in my chest with the cutest smile, there was another knock from the door so I said after a heavy sigh.

Alshabah Al'abyad: Come.

The door opened to see 4 priestesses come in, when they came to the bed they saw all of us there, they had wide eyes for a moment then regained their compouser then the senior priestess said.

Elder Priestess: It is time for the ceremony, ladies it's time to get in your ceremonial dresses.

Nissa and Talia huffed cause they didn't want to leave my arms but they had to, they got up and followed 2 of the Priestesses out to get ready, Sara looked to see 2 more there then she asked.

Sara: Why the other two Elder?

The Elder looked back to the last two then smile as she turned back to us then said.

Elder Priestess: They are here for you, you will be the 3rd and final bride to Alshabah Al'abyad.

After she said that me and Sara looked at eachother then got off of me as I sat up as I said.

Alshabah Al'abyad: I thought she was only to me the guardian of my future children?

The Elder chuckled then came up to me and put her hand on my cheek then said.

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