The Potential Sacrfice

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{ A Day Later }
[ 3rd Person POV]

Right after the gruelling first part of the Crucible Alshabah Al'abyad was very much tired and weak from the gauntlet, he and the daughters of Rhas Al Ghoul along with his protege Tal-El-Al-Safar was in his quarters trying to stop the bruises from getting worse but they are just getting darker which is a sign of internal bleeding, but it wasn't the worst he's been through.

Then after about an hour of fussing over him he has had enough so he spoke.

Alshabah Al'abyad: ENOUGH!, Enough I'm as good as I'm gonna get, don't worry ladies I'll make it.

He says as he looks up at the women in front of him Nissa and Talia where so worried that they didn't notice Tal-El-Al-Safar slip her hand in his and squeezed it, he looked to her and suffice to say he couldn't get enough of her beautiful blue eyes, they are so alluring to him that he could always get lost in them, she just blushes a little but never breaking eye contact between the two.

Then he shook his head to get focused again cause he didn't want Nissa and Talia to catch on, so he sat there until Nissa spoke.

Nissa: You sure your ok Love?

He looked up at her and through his mask he has a small smile on his face while he said.

Alshabah Al'abyad: I'm sure Nissa, I will be fine.

After he said that he slowly got up and started to move toward his closet so he can get ready for the next ceremony, as he made it half way he almost fell but was caught by Talia, he looked up at her and genuinely smiled at her but because the mask he said.

Alshabah Al'abyad: Thank you Nissa, I appreciate it.

She just blushes and said as she helped him to his closet.

Talia: It's fine my strong Spector, I'll always have there when you need me.

He nodded as he grabbed the handle to my closet, but before he opened it he turned toward the women then said.

Alshabah Al'abyad: Ladies, id appreciate it if you all wait outside until I get changed.

After he said that the sisters smirked at eachother but unbeknownst to them so was Tal-El-Al-Safar was smirking to, Then Nissa said.

Nissa: Really love? We saw you naked before.

Then Talia spoke with a flirty smirk.

Talia: Yeah, but the only thing he had on dear sister was that mask of his~.

Nissa looked to her sister and nodded while saying.

Nissa: He does the same with me sister, one day though he will have to show us~.

She said as the sisters left the room, but before Tal-El-Al-Safar left the room, Alshabah grabbed her arm then looked to see if the sisters was still there, when he saw they were gone he took his mask off then said to Sara.

Andrew:(Whispering) Sara, you are the only one to see my face, and it will remain like that while we are here.

Sara just looks into Andrew's eyes then she knew he was telling the truth she cupped her hands on his cheeks then said In a loving manner.

Sara: (Whispering) I know babe, and it better stay that way~.

She kissed him passionately on the lips that lasted a good 3 minutes until they broke away, Sara pulled his mask back up to cover his face then winked making her way out of his chambers.

He just shakes his head a little while he tries to pat down the bulge his trousers to make it go away while he said.

Andrew: The things that woman does to me.

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