Finishing What You Started

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{ 3 Days Later }
[ Alshabah Al'abyad's POV ]

After doing surveillance and figured out how to get into the sewers, it was an unoccupied manhole cover in the botanical gardens I'm just glad ivy is in Arkham, because she hates my guts for turning her down and I 'accidentally' killed her favorite plant she vowed to kill me if it is the last thing she did.

We made our way to the manhole I looked at Tal-El-Al-Safar and asked.

Alshabah Al'abyad: Are you ready for this?

She looked up from the manhole and looked at me and said.

Tal-El-Al-Safar: Yeah, I mean I am a little nervous.

I chuckled and said.

Alshabah Al'abyad: You will do fine, besides I trained you.

She laughed, man I missed that laugh and when I thought she was dead I was so heart broken, so many times I wanted to ask her if Ollie and Dad made it but but asking that would make her suspicious of who I am so I never asked.

I shook out that of my mind and said while holding my hand out.

Alshabah Al'abyad: Ladies First, Don't worry I won't drop you.

Without skipping a beat she grabbed my hand and looked at me with those beautiful light blue eyes and said.

Tal-El-Al-Safar: I know you won't,  I trust you completely, let's get this over with.

After she said that I gradually lowered her into the sewers and when I knew she was safely on the ground, she yelled up to me.

Tal-El-Al-Safar: Ok! How are you getting down here!

Not even a second after she said that I dropped down and landed into a roll and got up looked at Tal-El-Al-Safar who had a shocked face on her I just shrugged and started to walk towards where Batman/Bruce told me where he would be, he also told me to be careful cause Crock has gotten even more aggressive after I almost killed him, he also said Everytime he ran into him he always said " I WILL KILL PHANTOM" , that's reasureing I just hope we can take him down.

I was broken out of my thoughts by The Canary when she said as we walked down the dark discusting corridors.

Tal-El-Al-Safar: That was a 20 foot drop, how did you land perfectly?

I just chuckled and said while we got closer to Crock.

Alshabah Al'abyad: Years of torture and training, don't worry nothing I can't handle, shhh we are close can you smell that?

She looked in the direction where I was looking and smelled the air, she grabbed her noise and said.

Tal-El-Al-Safar: Ewww! What is that smell?

Alshabah Al'abyad: That's the smell of death, death and carnage.

I look at her and she looks at me confused and said.

Tal-El-Al-Safar: How can you know that Alshabah?

I looked at her and smiled under my mask and said.

Alshabah Al'abyad: Years of of honing my skills.

She rolls her eyes while saying.

Tal-El-Al-Safar: Way to be so mysterious.

I laughed a little as we made our way closer to the smell, I could hear Crock growling then all of a sudden we heard.


Tal-El-Al-Safar: Sounds like he still is holding a grudge.

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