The First Mission Of The Canary and The Phantom

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{ Moments after The Canary's induction to The League Of Assassins}
[ Alshabah Al'abyad's POV ]

After Tal-El-Al-Safar changed into her League uniform I gestured for her to walk with me, as we were walking down the corridor she asked.

Tal-El-Al-Safar: So do you have a contract for us to start this partnership of with?

I stopped Infront of the double doors to the throne room and turned around to to look at her then I said.

Alshabah Al'abyad: Well we will get it as soon as we see The Master.

I say as I turn around and open the double doors and walk into the throne room, we get to the center then we kneel before The Head Of The Demon and I say.

Alshabah Al'abyad: What is your bidding Master.

Rhas Al Ghoul: Arise my 2 most loyal Assassins.

We rise and I look at the sides of Rhas and see Nissa and Talia they both are having trouble standing well after last night they should be having trouble we was up all night.

I just chuckle to myself and shake my head and look at them again they just roll their eyes and smile like they know what I'm thinking, I looked over to Tal-El-Al-Safar and she is giving me a questionable look I just shrug my shoulders and focus back on Rhas.

Rhas Al Ghoul: Now we have a contract for you two, it's a big one so don't mess it up.

He hands the file to Talia and she brings it down to me when she puts it in my hand I wink at her and she blushed then quickly turned to go back to her place next to her father. I open the file and and examine it I look up in disbelief and say.

Alshabah Al'abyad: That's impossible, I killed him a year ago.

As I said that Tal-El-Al-Safar took the file and looked at it and read aloud.

Tal-El-Al-Safar: Name: Waylon Jones aka Killer Crock, last seen in Gotham sewers.
Associates: Bane ( She shudders at the name as I put my hand on her shoulder to calm her as she continues) and Deadshot.

I look back at Rhas and he answers my question.

Rhas Al Ghoul: You see my heir, when you cut his head off with your sais you failed to realize that he can regenerate.

I took my hand and hit my head then said.

Alshabah Al'abyad: I should've burned the body so he couldn't regenerate.

Rhas came down to me and put his hand on my shoulder as he took my hand away from my face and said.

Rhas Al Ghoul: It was your first contract Alshabah, you had no way of knowing, now you will make up for that mistake yes?

I looked him in the eyes and nodded he smiled then took his hand off my shoulder, we said our goodbyes and got ready for our mission.

As I was getting my things ready I hear a knock at my door and I said.

Alshabah Al'abyad: Come in, it's open.

As I said that they came in and I turned to see who it was and low and behold it was Nissa and Talia I was confused.

I turned off my voice modifier and said.

Alshabah Al'abyad: What do I owe the pleasure ladies?

They just smile at me and they both begin to take off my mask but I stop them by grabbing their hands and said.

Alshabah Al'abyad: You know why I never take this mask off, and I'm just not ready yet.

Nissa put her hand on my left cheek and said.

Nissa: You know looks don't mean anything to us.

After she said that Talia said.

Talia: We love you for you Alshabah, and that will never change.

I smiled under my mask and said.

Alshabah Al'abyad: I know darlings, Im just not ready yet.

Nissa: You know we never kissed you....

Then Talia finished her sentence.

Talia: And we would love to.

I just laughed as they left I turned around and finished getting ready for me and Tal-El-Al-Safar's first mission together.

I am standing outside nest to the jet we are taking to Gotham waiting for Tal-El-Al-Safar, slow as she was when she was a kid but it was part that made her her and made me fall for her, she finally made her way towards me I looked up to see her about 10 yards from me so I turn on my voice modifier and say.

Alshabah Al'abyad: Took you long enough, what are you taking? The whole castle?

I chuckled a little but I looked back at her and she had a far away look in her eyes then she snapped out of it and I asked.

Alshabah Al'abyad: What's wrong little bird, you looked a million miles away?

She looked at me and smiled then said.

Tal-El-Al-Safar: It's just..... A man that I loved used to say something like that (shakes her head) but that was the past, he died in a car accident.

When she said that my eyes got wide and I realized she was talking about me I quicky turned around to get on the jet with her close behind me.

We made it to Gotham, me and Tal-El-Al-Safar managed to find an old safehouse that The League used to use, we made ourselves comfortable and going over our plans to get Killer Crock.

Just as we were going over our plan we heard a creak I knew who it was but Tal-El-Al-Safar didn't she whipped around with her bo staff in hand, but before she could use it she was on the floor, I turned around to see it was Batman.

Batman: So you got a new member?

I chuckled as she was struggling to break free of his grip and said.

Alshabah Al'abyad: Something like that, can you let her go now?

He shrugged and let her go, she got up and returned to my side and said.

Tal-El-Al-Safar: You know him?

Alshabah Al'abyad: Yes, he's my contact here in Gotham, he doesn't condone killing but when I told him I was after a ghost he came around.

Batman: Killer Crock has been dead for over a year, so if he comes back he's technically a ghost so I have no problem with sending him to the other plane.

She just looked back between the two of us and said

Tal-El-Al-Safar: You know you two are a lot alike, are you related or something?

I looked at him and he nodded me to tell her so I did.

Alshabah Al'abyad: You can say that, he was my student when he was at Nanda Parbat.

She was dumbfounded she was gonna say something else but I knew what she was gonna say so I answered it.

Alshabah Al'abyad: Yes he was part of The League, but him and Rhas had a falling out, so can you keep this between the three of us.

She nodded her head in understanding then we got back to formulating a plan to sneak past Crocks senses.

( To Be Continued)


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Will Rhas find out that he is still in contact with Bruce Wayne aka Batman?

Will Alshabah Al'abyad aka Andrew Queen show his face to Tal-El-Al-Safar aka Sara Lance?

What do you think about The Phantom being Batman's mentor?

This is Skooter137 signing off till next time 🤘.

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