The Birth Of Ta-Er-Al-Safar/ The Canary

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[ Andrew's POV]

After a couple of days letting Sara get healed a little I asked her if she wanted to look in on her sister and father, she said she didn't want to so we grabbed all our things, I got her some new clothes and essentials since we been here and now we are on our way to The Leagues Jet I feel Sara looking at me  a lot so right before we get the to Jet steps I stop and she stops to and I ask her.

Alshabah Al'abyad:  What, why are you always looking at me?

She looks down while saying.

Sara: I was just wondering why you wear that mask and use that voice modifier all the time?

I look at her and as she meets my electric blue eyes I start to think on why I do wear them. And it's simple, when I was tortured for that year I was so close to death so many times they would put me in the Lazarus Pit to heal me and prepare me for the next round of torture, but the only bad thing was the pit didn't heal my scars and one of the most prominent is a jagged scar across my left cheek from my ear to my mouth given to me by Rhas, he was the one to always torture me, and a unique side note the reason my eyes are electric blue is cause of the Lazarus Pit and it's unique effect on me and it also gave me enhanced strength and something else that I haven't unlocked yet but I've tried.

I shook my head and answered her question.

Alshabah Al'abyad: Cause it is the will of The Head Of The Demon.

She looked at me confused so I elaborated.

Alshabah Al'abyad: He is the Leader Of The League Of Assassins, you will meet him soon, after you Miss Lance.

I gestured for her to get on the jet and she did while I came in behind her, I could t help but look at her butt it's so firm.... No, no I said to myself as I shook the thought from my mind as I walked on the jet then got ready for the 3 day flight back to Nanda Parbat.

{ 3 days Later }
[ Sara's POV ]

I was laying on the couch of the Jet with my eyes closed remembering the last time I saw Ollie on that cargo Freighter fighting Slade, then blacking out waking up on the shore of Shanghai, I made up my mind so I 'found'  the money  to get a ticket to Puerto Rico where I thought I'd make a new life but that changed when that roid head took me.

I was brought out of my thoughts by The Phantom I can't pronounce his Arabic name so The Phantom will have to do.

Alshabah Al'abyad: We are here Sara, are you ready to meet The Head Of The Demon?

I was scared and I can tell The Phantom can sense it to, so I made it my mission to never lie to him.

Sara: I won't lie, I am a little nervous.....

But before I could finish what I was saying The Phantom kneeled down and took my hand, when I look into those sparkling blue eyes I felt at peace and oddly soothing like I've known him my whole life so my worried slipped away as he said.

Alshabah Al'abyad: It's ok Sara, I'll be with you the entire time, I'm gonna vouch for you to join, and while you are there no one will harm a hair on your beautiful head.

[ Alshabah Al'abyad's POV]

Dang it, it just slipped out I looked down to compose myself, after a moment I looked up and saw her light blue eyes dang just as beautiful as they were the last time I saw her, she looked strangely like she was blushing and she smiled a little I stood up from her and grabbed our stuff and motioned for her to follow.

As we came Into the main throne room I laid oh bags at the main door then motioned for to Assassins, they took our bags I looked over my left shoulder to see Sara shocked so I said.

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