The Crucible

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{ 3 Months Later }
[ Alshabah Al'abyad's POV ]

Over the past 2 months have been odd to say the least but also the best ive had in a long time, me and Tal-El-Al-Safar has been very close over the past 2 months but also trying not to make it noticable, also me Talia and Nissa have been spending time together Sara was wondering why I had to but when I told her that I had to unless we get caught which was true and that's the last thing I want to happen cause if Rhas found out he would kill her without a second thought.

Me and Sara was in my bed, we just got done with a extremely satisfied night and morning, she had he head on my chest while she was making patterns on my chest with her right hand while I was rubbing her bad with my right hand after a few minutes she spoke.

Sara: So what does Rhas want with you today.

Andrew: I don't know but he said it will change everything, which doesn't make much sense cause the arena outside has been under construction since July.

Sara looked up to me with concern, I looked at her and gave her a reasuring smile and said.

Andrew: Don't worry sweetie, what ever happens I'll always make my way back to you.

She smiled and raised her head and kissed me passionately on the lips then said.

Sara: You better, cause I plan to be with you forever.

I cupped my hand on her cheek and said.

Andrew: So do I and I'll kill anyone or anything that will harm you or take you away from me.

We layed there for a few more minutes just enjoying being in each other's company and in each others loving embrace.

{ 3 Hours Later }

Me and Tal-El-Al-Safar was In front of Rhas Al Ghoul with Talia and Nissa to his right and left, then I asked while we was bowing.

Alshabah Al'abyad: You wanted to speak to us Master?

Rhas Al Ghoul: Yes indeed I did, I guess you both was wondering why the arena outside has been under construction for 3 months.

Tal-El-Al-Safar nodded and said.

Tal-El-Al-Safar: Yes Master, why has it been under construction.

Rhas just nodded and said while motioning us to stand which we did then he spoke.

Rhas Al Ghoul: Well it's time........ For the Crucible.

I looked at him with wide eyes with a million thoughts running through my mind, I was brought out by Tal-El-Al-Safar's voice she asked.

Tal-El-Al-Safar: If it's ok Master, what is the Crucible?

I looked at Rhas and he nodded to me to tell her, I turned to her and said while she looked at me confused.

Alshabah Al'abyad: The Crucible is a gauntlet that has the competitor has to go through 3 different gauntlets, the first is 2 vs 1 just fists then the second is 12 vs 1 with weapons for the opponents while the competitor only has his fists then the 3rd and final is going to be 2 dozen men against the competitor weapons mandatory for the opponents and optional weapons for the competitor.

Tal-El-Al-Safar: But what is it supposed to prove?

After she said that Rhas spoke.

Rhas Al Ghoul: Tal-El-Al-Safar it's is 1 of the 2 requirements to be the next Rhas Al Ghoul.

Tal-El-Al-Safar looked in shock as she looked at Rhas then to me then she asked.

Tal-El-Al-Safar: What is the other requirement?

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