The Arrival Of The White Phantom

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[ 3rd Person POV]
{ 1 Year Later]

It's been an interesting year in the league of assassins they named Andrew or Alshabah Al'abyad The White Phantom as the League call him, Rhas always had The Phantom by his side teaching him the way of the League and how it works though when the time comes he was hesitant to let his heir to take contracts but he did and it turns out he was overreacting cause The Phantom became one of his best agents.

He took on the likes of Morgan Le Fay, Atrocious of the Red Lanterns, Deathstroke, Bane, and none other than Lex Luther (He still doesn't know Andrew's alive just The Phantom).

His contract  today was for a man who not only laundered money for the mod but killed and raped a mother and her child which in The Phantoms view a fast death was to good for him, so headed to Blúdhavon to take him out, he found him in a whorehouse of all places getting his jollies off watching as one woman was cutting another, it made The Phantom sick to see someone get off on crap like this, he slowly made his way through an opening in the skylight repelled down until he found a beam over the head of the scum he was there to eliminate he had no choice but to wait until the said scum was alone, after about an hour the woman who tortured the other left leaving just the scumbag and the now dying woman on the floor, he began to take off his clothes while saying vulgar words to the woman.

The Phantom saw enough he stealth fully landed behind the man and turned on his voice distorter and said.

Alshabah Al'abyad: Damon Monroe, You have failed in life.

Damon stopped in his tracks and started to shake while slowly turning around meeting the bright blue eyes of The Phantom he fell backward whimpering.

Damon: P-Please don't k-kill m-me I didn't mean to kill that family!!

The Phantom just walked slowly toward the whimpering man pulling out Is dual Sais while saying.

The Phantom: Oh Damon, I think you did, if you didn't...... HOW COME DID YOU RAPE A MOTHER AND HER CHILD, YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF TRASH!!!!!!

While The Phantom was yelling at him he began to cry it just sickened The Phantom, he kneeled down and forcefully opened his mouth and stuck his hand down his throat ripping out his voice box without killing him.

The Phantom stood up while looking at his voice box then said.

The Phantom: Did you think your death would be quick? Oh my friend, oh how wrong you are, but before I finish what I started.

He threw his voice box on the ground then went over to the severely beaten woman kneeled down to turn her over as gently as he could, he looked into the face of the woman and was surprised to see none other than Sara Lance, his eyes went wide at seeing his school crush and wondered how is she alive why is she here, he grabbed her bridal style and took her to his safe house, when they got there he laid her on the bed and began to nurse her back to health.

After he got her stable and seeing her peacefully sleep he went back to the scumbag who hurt her this just made it way more satisfying to kill him.

When he got there he saw him still on the floor where he left him, The Phantom came over to him and kneeled down with a pen and paper shoved it in his hands and said.

The Phantom: Now I want you to write down how and where did you find that woman you had tortured, and don't you dare lie to me.

Damon began to write down where he found her, turns out Bane found her in Puerto Rico living on the street so he brought her back to the states and sold her to him.

The Phantom lifted himself up and started pacing while saying.

The Phantom: So Bane old friend, You found her in Puerto Rico huh, well looks like Im going on a little trip, but first.

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