Taking Down Mist

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[ Andrew's POV ]
{ 2 weeks later }

After 2 weeks of presice planning and trying to do it around the backs of all The League me and Sara finally had a solid plan.

We were in my chambers laying in bed after a full night of unbelievable sex just holding eachother close, then Sara said from her spot on my chest.

Sara: Do you think he will be in the torture chamber today.

I looked down at Sara who was looking up at me with her chin in my chest with a hint of worry I her voice, I just stroked her hair then said.

Andrew: Don't worry My little Canary he will be there he could never pass up a chance to take advantage of some poor soul, and besides Rhas and the sisters is out on a very important journey.

Sara looked at me confused and asked.

Sara: What is so important about this particular journey that as to have an entire 2 generations of The Demons head to leave on?

I sighed heavily as I sat up in bed Sara did the same while she leaned against me with her head on my shoulder as I said.

Andrew: It's known as the purification ritual, he is cleansing Nissa and Talia to get ready to bare children.

Sara jolted her head up and looked me in the eyes then said.

Sara: What all is it to this purification ritual? And where did they go?

I looked Sara in the eyes then said.

Andrew: It is a old temple that was built by the first Rhas Al Ghoul back in the time of Christ, and they have to bath in the blood of the first Rhas Al Ghoul to cleanse themselves to bare the children of the next Rhas Al Ghoul.

Sara: How did the blood of the first Rhas still exist?

Andrew: Well over his reign he stored huge amounts of his own blood cause if it came down to it he could use his own blood to keep himself young.

Sara looked at me confused and asked.

Sara: And how would his blood keep him young.

I sighed again as I got up and put on my robe then sat on the edge of the bed as Sara crawled down to sit next to me as I continued.

Andrew: It is said that the first Rhas Al Ghoul was there when they nailed Christ to the cross and he was the one of the men to place Christ in his tomb, but before he left he took some of his blood and drank it, it is said that he gained power as you can't believe so he casted his old name and re named himself Rhas Al Ghoul.

Sara looked at me and sat up right then said.

Sara: What was his name before he changed it?

I sighed again then said.

Andrew: His name was Judas.

Sara gasped and said.

Sara: You mean the same Judas who turned on Christ?

I looked at her and shook my head, I got up and continued.

Andrew: After he fled the holy land he made his way to a remote location outside Arabia, which we are at right now, and after he built this palace he began to make a name for himself by taking out high ranking members in different parts of the world and over time his empire grew as he took on followers and thus The League Of Assassins was born.

I finsished as I put on my robes, after I did I looked to Sara who was still in awe at what she heard then she regained her composure then said as she got up and put on her robes.

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