Right After And What Comes Next

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[ Tal-El-Al-Safar's POV ]
{ 4 Days After The Power Torture }

Over the past 4 Days nothing really progressed, Rhas made me go on a mission solo which I never done before and while I was gone I figured out that not only can I handle myself but also that Rhas doesn't care about any of us, which makes me think he's only using Andrew for himself like he is going to take his body and insert himself in his body.

As I was contemplating this I was walking towards Andrew's chambers and as I'm getting ready to in then I heard Nissa and Rhas so I listened to what they was talking about.

Rhas Al Ghoul: Any change in his condition my daughter?

Nissa: His body is almost fully healed but his mental health is still healing, that's why he hasn't woken up yet.

Rhas just kept looking over Andrew and taking in what she said then he spoke.

Rhas Al Ghoul: Does Nissa and Tal-El-Al-Safar know what we plan on doing to Alshabah?

Nissa just looked at him then without thinking said.

Nissa: No but I think Tal-El-Al-Safar is suspects something, ever since she came back from her mission, I think Nissa is none the wiser though.

Rhas just chuckled and touched Andrew's cheek then said.

Rhas Al Ghoul: Soon, very soon Alshabah Al'abyad, you will be the most powerful and not to forget the last Rhas Al Ghoul that will ever be.

After he said that he removed his hand from his cheek and him and Nissa started toward the door so I had to run down and around the corner but still in ear shot, when they left the room they continued to talk while headed towards the throne room.

Nissa: I have to ask Father, Do you plan to marry me and Talia to Alshabah or just one of us?

Rhas stops then puts his hand on her shoulder then said.

Rhas Al Ghoul: Nissa, we will talk about that when it comes, but I will say this you both will bare the children of a powerful heir so don't worry to much.

After he said that they went back to the throne room, I leaned against the wall taking in what I just heard and right then and their I knew that me and Andrew had to get out of here before something bad happens, maybe we can go to Coast City, no Andrew is wanted their for taking down their corrupt mayor, and I know Metropolis is out cause of Lex Luther, we found out that he ordered the hit on Andrew but it doesn't matter he will get his.

I know it's an odvious choice but maybe the right choice, Starling City our home, It's such an easy choice and they wouldn't think about us going there cause our loved ones think we are dead, so it's settled Starling City it is.

I walk to Andrew's door and open it to see Andrew still laying there in a coma, I go up to him and sit next to him and stroke his hair while saying.

Sara: Andrew, we have to get out of here before something bad happens to us and more importantly you.

Just after I said that I felt my free hand being squeezed, my eyes went wide I looked at our hands connected then I looked back up to Andrew, when I did I saw Andrew's beautiful electric blue eyes, they look more vibrant than ever.

He smiles at me and he looks un bothered by everything like when we was kids I got so lost in his eyes I didn't realize that he sat up and stroked my cheek, then after a moment he spoke bringing me out of my trance.

Andrew: I heard what you said Sara, and I agree we need to leave, but before we do I have to finish what I stared.

I looked at him with a confused looked while I leaned my head into his hand then said.

Sara: And what is that sweetie?

Andrew Looked off into the distance then his face went from care free to a serious stern impression then said.

Andrew: I have to take down Shadow, Scorch, and Mist.

He looked back at me then his face went back to care free when he locked eyes with me then I asked.

Sara: What do you mean, what did you start something with them.

Andrew: They made me what I am today so I'm going to finish what we stared and take them out, one by one.

Sara: How are you going to do that?

He chuckled then said.

Andrew: Very stealth fully that way no one will be the wiser, Mist is the first to be taken out.

Sara: Why's that, why not Shadow?

His face got grim like he was remembering something like a past tramatic experience then he said.

Andrew: The reason he is first is because not only did he work me to death but he used me.

Sara: When you say used do you mean?

He shook his head sorrowful, I looked at him then said in a discussed tone.

Sara: Well I see now, when do you want to do it.

He took his hand from my cheek, I was upset that we are no longer touching but I understood, he took off the blanket and began to get up so I quickly went around the bed to help him to his feet, when I helped him up we held eachother then I asked.

Sara: So we're do you want to go?

He pointed to his armory then said.

Andrew: In there, I got a lot of information on all three of them come.

I helped him into his armory then sat him on his weight bench then asked.

Sara: So where is this information?

Andrew: You see that portrait of me and Rhas?

He said while pointing to a large portrait of him in his League Armor and Rhas in his battle armor posing in the throne room, then asked.

Sara: Yeah what about it?

Andrew: Right next to it is a pressure plate on the right side, push it in and there will be a keypad type in 052497.

When he said that I looked at him I knew that was the date we met so I said while doing what he said and I began to type it in.

Sara: So the date we met huh?

I said with a flirtatious voice and looked at him with a loving smirk, which he did the same then he said.

Andrew: Yeah, it was the best day of my life, well before we got together that is.

Then the portrait opened to a whole other room with numerous computers, and a huge table in the middle of the room with files all over It, I go over and lead Andrew in the room and sit him on the chair in at the table then he said.

Andrew: Welcome to my HQ, this is where I come to study my targets and keep track of my enemies.

I was in awe of the layout but then I sat next to him at the table then said.

Sara: Ok when do we start?

He smirked at me then slid a file that said Mist on it then said.

Andrew: We start now, it's time to take them out.

( To Be Continued)

How was the chapter?

What do you think what Nissa and Rhas was talking about?

What will be Mists fate?

This is Skooter137 signing off till next time 🤘.

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