The Birth Of Alshabah Al' Abyad

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{ 1 Year Later }
[ Andrew's POV]
Over the past year I came to respect the company and how dad ran it, I've had my ups and downs when it came to the company, constant meetings and threats from other companies, mostly Lex Corp, it's also in the words of the execs the most profitable year in the history of Queen Consolidated.

As I was getting ready to go to work Thea came into my room crying so I asked her.

Andrew: Speedy is everything ok, why are you crying?

I said as I lead her to my bed for her to sit on, she was distraught I could tell she has been crying for a long time.

Andrew: What's wrong, did someone hurt you?

She just shook her head no still crying, she just pulled me into a hug and said while sobbing.

Thea: (Sobbing) Do you know what today is Andy?

I was confused until I remembered, today is the 1 Year anniversary of the 'Deaths' of Ollie and Dad I just nodded my head and held her even closer.

We held eachother for a few minutes we separated I looked at Thea she still had tears so I wiped them away from her cheeks and said.

Andrew: Thea look at me.

She didn't look at me she just looked down so I said again with authority.

Andrew: Thea Queen, look me in the eyes.

She hesitantly looked into my blue eyes I can see she was a little shocked that I used her full name cause I usually just call her speedy I then said.

Andrew: Speedy I feel the same way you do, I miss them everyday and I'd be lying if I said it gets easier (chuckles)
A part of me still thinks they are alive, wishful thinking right?

I looked down after I said that feeling the pain that I buried deep down so I could take care of the family I had left, I made a vow to myself on the day we buried those empty coffins that I'd keep my family safe from harm and always be there when they need me, and the way they need me is to be the man of the house and I'd be damned if I let them down.

Thea just brushed my cheek then raised my face to look at her when I met her hazel eyes she had a look that said that thought wasn't crazy.

Thea: Andy, I feel the same way I feel it everytime I visit their graves....

I cut her off and said.

Andrew: Like you can feel their presence.

She nodded at me, we hugged again then we got up I put on my tie then we left my room going down the stairs to the garage, we entered the garage then Thea said while looking at the cars.

Thea: So which car are we taking, The Bentley?

I looked at her with a 'really' look and said.

Andrew: Now you know good and well which car we are taking, the same car I drive everywhere.

She rolls her eyes at me, we do this little dance every morning when I take her to school. We make our way to the car me,dad,and Ollie built from the ground up literally the first and last thing we did together mind you we built it when I was 15 and Ollie was 13 it still came together pretty well.

 We make our way to the car me,dad,and Ollie built from the ground up literally the first and last thing we did together mind you we built it when I was 15 and Ollie was 13 it still came together pretty well

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