Orders and New Challenges

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[ Andrew's POV]
{In the jet going back to Nanda Parbat}

As me and Sara was sitting in the double seat in the jet I was meditating trying to center myself I do that after every contract and this particular time I couldn't focus cause I could feel a certain blonde haired woman staring at me so without opening my eyes I asked.

Andrew: May I ask why are you looking at me?

I could hear her gasp and taken aback by what I said and she said in a shocked voice.

Sara: How did you know I was looking at you?

I just chuckled and shook my head and said.

Andrew: Being trained by The League  will do that to a person, and come to think of it I need to teach you to take in your environment without the use of your eyes.

Sara: I don't know if I could do that-

Before she could finish I said.

Andrew: I said the same thing when I was forced to do so, don't worry I'll be a better teacher than mine was.

Sara: Who was your teacher?

When she said that I shuddered and relived a very vivid memory of him whipping me with a whip everytime I did it wrong I quickly shook it from my mind and opened my eyes looked at her and said with sarrow in my voice.

Andrew: I don't like to talk about that man he was a dreadful man and a worse teacher.

She could see that it was a sore topic and quickly said.

Sara: I'm so so sorry Andrew I didn't mean to make you relive any bad memories, I'll wait until your ready to tell me.

After she said that she layed her head on my shoulder and I began to think, Andrew I haven't been called by that name in so long I almost forgot that was my birth name I chuckled and thought it was ironic that out of all people Id be with the one woman that I lost my virginity to and I thought she was dead but now she's here with me and I couldn't be happier, I was brought out of my thought when the pilot said we were nearing Nanda Parbat.

I looked at Sara and I had to make sure she knew that we can't let them hear us call eachother by our birth names.

Andrew: Sar- Ta-El-Al-Safar, we must not let them hear us eachother by our birth names it would be hazardous to our health.

Her face went from compassionate to calculated and neutral and said.

Tal-El-Al-Safar: Of course Alshabah Al'abyad, just as long as we know the truth.

I just shook my head and put my mask back on and waited for the jet to land.

{  A Small Timeskip }

Me and Tal-El-Al-Safar was making our way to the throne room when we met up with Talia and Nissa, they both lunged at me and held me in a loving embrace I looked over to Tal-El-Al-Safar and I could see she was jealous so I just winked at her letting her know that I only have eyes for her, she blushed knowing what I meant, they let go of me and went into the throne room and Rhas said.

Rhas Al Ghoul: Ahh Alshabah Al'abyad and Tal-El-Al-Safar, please come.

We listened and went into the center of the room and kneeled to the demon then he said.

Rhas Al Ghoul: Tell me were you successful in your little jount in the sewers of Gotham.

I looked up at Rhas and said.

Alshabah Al'abyad: Yes Master, the Crocodile is dead, for good this time no need to worry about that particular reptile.

After I said that I looked at Tal-El-Al-Safar and winked again but suddley so no one would know and she just stifled a laugh and shook her head then Rhas spoke again.

Rhas Al Ghoul: Good, now go get some rest because soon we will have another contract for the both of you, dismissed.

When he said that me and Tal-El-Al-Safar got up and bowed our heads to him and left.

{ 3rd Person POV}

As the White Phantom and the Black Canary left the throne room a shadowy figure came out from the darkness and Rhas asked him.

Rhas Al Ghoul: So, do you think he is ready to do what we discussed, after all your the one who trained him........ Shadow.

The man known as Shadow came up to Rhas and said in a gruff and chiseled voice .

Shadow: I believe he is Master, but he has to pass one more test and you know what I mean.

Rhas just shook his head in understanding and said with his right hand on his chin propping himself up by it.

Rhas Al Ghoul: Yes I know and you are sure that he will live?

Shadow looked at Rhas and said.

Shadow: He will, because he is the best and strongest Assassin I've ever trained and the most stubborn.

Rhas just laughed at the statement knowing that it was true cause when Rhas was torturing him he knew all to well of the young man's resolve then said.

Rhas Al Ghoul: That I can agree on, but he is my heir and I want to make certain than he will.

Shadow: He will Master, and if he doesn't I'll just bring him back you know of my capabilities Master.

As he said that he lifted his hands up and a shadowy mist came from them as he smirked.

Rhas Al Ghoul: Good, your dismissed Shadow.

Shadow bows and disappears into thin air and Rhas just smirks to himself knowing soon Alshabah Al'abyad will be ready to be the demon and the next Rhas Al Ghoul.

He was brought out of his thoughts by his daughters.

Nissa/Talia: Father?

He looked down to his beautiful daughters and said with a smile.

Rhas Al Ghoul: Yes my daughters, what is on your minds?

Nissa spoke first.

Nissa: We couldn't help but hear what you was talking about with Shadow.

Then Talia finished her.

Talia: Are you going to put Alshabah Al'abyad through the crucible, because you know more than anyone that is a instant death wish-

Before she could finish Rhas cut her off.

Rhas Al Ghoul: Do not worry my daughters, he will survive because he has the power in him we all seen it when he came back from the dead.

The sisters nodded in agreement and Rhas continued.

Rhas Al Ghoul: Also don't worry you will have the honor to fight to see who will be his bride.

They both looked at eachother with worry and immediately shook it off and looked back at their father.

Rhas Al Ghoul: That is all my daughters, you may leave.

They nodded and left their father to think on when he would put The White Phantom through this.

As he thought he couldn't help but remember the deathly encounters that he had to do to prove he was worthy, he was just like Alshabah Al'abyad when he was chosen and he knew he was indeed ready but he also was worried about the outcome but he shook it off and continued with his day.

[ To Be Continued]


How did you like the chapter?

What do you think the Shadows powers are besides bringing people back from the dead?

What do you think the crucible is?

Feedback is appreciated.

This is Skooter137 signing off till next time 🤘.

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