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When both Ainosuke and (F/N) turned 9, with a sign of a contract, they were betrothed. 

When the news passed through the kids' heads, they didn't seem to mind. They liked each other's company so why not.

When the duo entered junior high, with (F/N) expressing her feelings first, the 2 started dating. 

When news broke out to their junior high that the 2 were dating, both girls and boys were sobbing. (F/N) and Ainosuke were the popular kids.

With their good looks and charm, they had everyone kissing the floor they walked on. 

(F/N) was rather shy when it comes to the attention she accidentally attracted while Ainosuke on the other hand, basked in it.

They went to each other's house almost everyday with dates on the weekend. Both fathers were pleased with what they were seeing. 

At times, it would be hard to see each other due to their father's desire for children to be politicians but they made it work.

By high school, things started to slowly charge; for the better and for the worst. 

While the couple still had a deep passion for skateboarding, Ainosuke dubbed himself Adam while (F/N) was called Mona Lisa.

People called (F/N) Mona Lisa not only because of her stunning looks but also her style when skateboarding. 

Adam insisted on calling her Eve due to her skating skills being on par with him even though she started way after him but (F/N) wasn't a fan of it.

Adam was skating with his friend while (F/N) was hanging out with her non-skater friends when he was introduced to Sakurayashiki Kaoru and Nanjo Kojiro with their friends in an abandoned place.

The 2 groups had a face off and Kaoru or Cherry was up against Adam. 

When I say he was impressed by Cherry and Kojiro or Joe, he was. The next time the group hung out, Adam brought (F/N).

The boys there gave the girl and Adam questionable stares when they arrived. "You've heard of don't judge a book by it's over, right?" 

And with that, the group was off. Adam and (F/N) was ahead of the group and started to do crazy stunts like sliding on the railing with the bench underneath.

The boys had their jaws dropped on the floor. A goddess literally showed up with her (whatever design on your skateboard you like) board wearing her school uniform with a face of a doll doing dangerous tricks with her boyfriend. 

"They don't call me Mona Lisa for no reason." She winked.

Joe, skating near the end of the group, was in a trance. Under the moonlight, (F/N)'s good looks were on full display. 

Another time, it was just Adam, Cherry, Joe, and (F/N). The group skated through town, creating havoc in the dead of night, laughing and having fun; forgetting the time.

They were even skating away from the police for fucks sake. Just then, Cherry's board stumbled over a rock and he went unbalanced. 

Lucky for him was that (F/N) was there and grabbed him before he fell. "Are you alright, Cherry?"

The boy stared at the girl who was looking down on him and before he could respond, Adam quickly took Cherry in his arms. 

"Careful, man." "Uh, yeah." The group then skated to this place under the bridge that had a bunch of graffiti.

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