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POV - (L/N) (F/N)

Waking up, I knew what I was in for today and tonight. -The date and then Langa is up against Adam.- 

I glared at the ceiling before getting up and starting the day. When I entered the kitchen, I saw father making breakfast. "Morning, father." He turned around and smiled.

"Morning, (F/N). Breakfast is ready." Setting up the table, father placed our food down and sat down. We said our thanks before eating. 

"So, what's on your agenda, (F/N)?" "Nothing much. Just meeting... Someone for lunch before maybe treating myself today."

My father smiled before handing me his black card. "Huh? Why are you giving me this? I have my own father so don't worry." My father insisted. 

"Take it, princess. Indulge in whatever you like. I don't mind." Knowing how stubborn my dad was, I took it.

"Fine. Thank you, father. Anyways, what's on your agenda?" Dad took a bite of breakfast before answering me. 

"I'm going to Tokyo for some business for a few days so you would be by yourself." I nodded. "That's fine, I'll be fine."

A sudden thought came to me. "Are you planning on staying at a hotel?" "Yes, why?" I got up and ran to the front door where our keys were hanging and took mine. 

"Here, father. These are the keys to my apartment." Father stared at the keys in his hands.

"Your flat? That's so big for me to live in by myself." I giggled. 

"You bought it for me, father. It was way too big for me to live in but I was used to it." "Oh yeah." I laughed. After washing the dishes, I helped father bring down his luggages.

"Do you want me to drive you to the airport?" "No, it's alright. I've got my chauffeur to do it." I nodded. 

"Alright. Safe flight, father." He smiled and kissed my head before leaving. "I love you, (F/N)." "I love you too, father."

I waved at my father as he was driven away before entering back into the estate. Looking at the time, it was 11. 

-I guess I have to start getting ready. This is an expensive restaurant we're going to.- 

I sat down at my vanity and started to do my make-up. I did my makeup as light and natural as possible.

After that, I did my hair which I curled and tied it up in a half up half down hairstyle (or anything you would like). 

I walked into my closet, looking at what I could wear. -I should get a few things at the mall as well. Maybe a new 'S' outfit!-

I picked out a black long sleeve dress that stopped before my knees that had a white collar and was a little puffy near the shoulder area. 

I paired it with silver jewelry, white heels, and a white Chanel purse (or anything you would like).

Taking a final look in the mirror, I was out the door and heading to the restaurant. I didn't know whether to feel nervous or not. 

When I stepped out of the car, I gave the keys to the valet person and with a thank you, I walked into the restaurant.

Clutching onto my purse, I walked up to where the waiter was. I felt eyes on me from all directions. 

"Woah. She's stunning." "That outfit costs a fortune." "Welcome to XXX restaurant. Can I have a name?" The waiter smiled at me. "Uhm, it should be under Shindo Ainosuke."

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