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POV - (L/N) (F/N)

It was another day, another day at work. "You're always like that." "Like what?" 

"You go off and accept things. You literally made mom go on a date with her ex-boyfriend." "What about you? You go off and challenge people." "I was pissed!" "And I wanted to skate."

I glanced up from the book I was reading to the class and stared at the 2 boys at the back. 

"What exactly made you want to skate with him? That mask looked cool. But there was no way I'm gonna let him run his mouth like..."

When Langa-kun leaned back towards his desk after talking to Reki-kun, I stood right in between their desk. So when Reki-kun looked over, I cleared my voice. 

"Reki-kun and Langa-kun, this is your second warning." I stared at the redhead who looked away. I sighed and continued to do my thing.

During lunch break, I was craving ramen so I went to a nearby one near the school. 

What I didn't know was that Reki and Langa were here as well with Joe telling them about Adam.


During Joe's explanation, the green haired male glanced at the entrance and stopped talking. 

"Uh, hello? Joe?" Following his line of sight, Langa and Reki saw their teacher/mom.

"You like (F/N)-sensei!?" "You like our mom!?" Joe, snapping out of it, shushed the 2 boys. "Be quiet will you!?" As the table calmed down, Joe nodded. 

"Yeah, I like (F/N). Since the day we met actually but she was dating Adam. When they broke up, she was hurting and wanted to pursue being a teacher so I didn't tell her."

Joe then looked at the boys. "That doesn't mean you go and tell her, ok?" "Yeah. Your secret is safe with us!" Langa nodded. 

"But what's up with calling me mom?" "She's like a mom to us." "Like our second mom." "Hm." Joe nodded with a smile. "She always had a mother-like side to her."

POV - (L/N) (F/N)

It was after school and the boys and I were at the skate park. 

"What are you going to do with the beef against Adam?" "Of course I'm gonna race him." "And ignore Joe's warning?" (F/N) raised an eyebrow. "You talked to Joe about this?"

The boys nodded. "Yeah, during lunch break." "We went out for ramen." "Was it the one near our school?" "Yeah." (F/N) smiled. 

"I was there. I knew your voices were familiar." Reki-kun went to drink his coke before he spat the unknown liquid out.

"The fuck is this!?" "Chugging a cola? Are you joking?" I turned around and smiled. "Hey, Miya!" "Miya!" 

Holding up the cola, he started down at the boys. "You've never done any real training, have you? No hate to you, Mona Lisa."

I stood up and ruffled the boy's head. "None taken and just call me (F/N)." "Or mom." I whipped my head to Reki-kun. 

"What..." "Come on, just accept it, mom! You're literally our 2nd mom at this point." I sighed before nodding. "Yeah yeah."

"I made you a regime." Miya showed the boys his phone. 

"5 sets of these?" "Are you planning to go international!?" "Got a problem?" "You may be, but..." "Even this is not enough. That's if you plan on beating Adam."

Entering my car, once the boys were buckled up, we were off to 'S'. "Woah..." I glanced at Miya in the passenger seat with a smile. 

"Miya, have you skated with Adam in the past?" "Nope." "You haven't!? How do you know him, then?" Reki-kun popped his head between the chairs.

"That advice was a lot better than my coaches. Ever since then, Adam started to appear in front of me. That's also how I got into 'S'." My grip on the wheel tightened. 

"Was the race against me his idea?" "Yeah, he said it would be a good experience. I never saw it myself but I heard Adam uses a trick called 'love hug'."

I zoned out completely. Even when the boys were practicing, I was zoned out. All my thoughts were just about Adam, Adam this, Adam that. -Damn you...- 

"Mom has been out of it ever since the car ride." Miya stood there and stared at me.

"I don't blame her." "Hm?" "This is Adam, her ex-boyfriend. She knows more than all of us about Adam. But... 

The look in her eyes, bad things happened as well during their time together." Snapping out of it, I looked at the boys.

"Sorry, did you say something?" They smiled sadly at me. "Are you alright, mom?" I smiled. 

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. What we should worry about is the 2 of you getting cleaned up."

I pointed at Langa-kun and Reki-kun. "I mean, come on. Your face and hands are dirty." 

Getting back into the car, I drove everyone to the nearest fast food restaurant since the 2 older teenagers were hungry.

When I walked to the table, I watched as Miya was clawing at Reki-kun. "What's going on?" They turned to me. 

"Reki fed me something with so much fat!" "We're at a burger joint!" -I actually feel like a mother right now.-

Sitting down, I noticed how little Miya was eating. "Miya, is that really all you're gonna eat?" "Yeah, diet is important to athletes." 

I slid over my chocolate chip cookie to Miya. "But having a cheat day won't hurt." I winked at the boy.

Looking at the other end of the table, I saw Langa-kun eating away at his burgers. 10 of them to be exact along with a large coke and poutine. 

-How can he eat that much?- I sighed before eating myself. I smiled when I saw Miya eating the cookie I gave him.


Arriving at 'S', I met up with Cherry and Joe. As we skated in, the crowd was going crazy. 


While Joe and Cherry stopped right near Adam, I stood a little further. 

"It's been awhile, Adam." "We're here to challenge you to a beef." The crowd cheered as I stood near Langa-kun, Reki-kun, and Miya (my sons).

"Wow! King of the hill!?" "RAD!" "Who's gonna win!?" "Mona Lisa should join!" I sweatdropped. 

"You know what we'd bet, right?" I stared at Cherry. "What was it again?" Adam turned to the pink haired man.

"Oh, I know. Why don't you join us?" I widened my eyes and looked at the redhead who was angry. 

"Screw that! Today is our beef! Don't run away!" In a swift move, I grabbed Reki-kun away before Adam could place his deck with horns in the redhead's face.

"Run? Me?"

"You haven't forgotten our bet, right?" "Of course not, if I win, I..." Flipping his board, he pointed to Langa-kun. "Skate with you." And he pointed his deck at me. 

"And I get to go on a date with you." I glared at the man. In the corner of my eye though, I saw Joe looking at the both of us in what seems to be anger and disappointment. 

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