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POV - (L/N) (F/N)

Today, I arrived at 'S' earlier than usual and headed towards where the ramps were. 

Since it was just me at the moment, I decided to polish up my tricks before anyone arrived. Ever since coming back to Okinawa, all I really did was help the boys.

I did skate a few times but it wasn't like I put my all into them. 

Going up and down the ramp to gain momentum, I started to lay out all my cards, all the tricks that even pros have a hard time performing. -I could of been a part of the national team.-

I grinned as I held onto my board from high up in the air. I felt my (H/C) hair blowing around in the air. 

Right now, I feel at peace and on top of the world. Removing one of my hands from my board, I looked up and pretended to grab the moon.

"It feels calm before a storm." I skated off the ramp and towards the rocks where I left my water bottle as people started crowding in. 

"MONA LISA-SAMA!" "CAN I GET A PICTURE!?" "SO HOT!" I smiled and bent down to match the girl's height and smiled for the picture.

I waved at my fans and winked at one before walking away. "KYAA!" "WOAH! YOUR NOSE IS BLEEDING!" 

I decided to walk around 'S' for a little while before heading back. As I walked to the empty abandoned factory, I walked past one of the walls.

On it was a ton of graffiti but one caught my attention. In red spray paint, the initials of my first name and the letter 'A' and written in a heart along with a date. 

My arms brush up against the paint. -Our anniversary date...-

Dropping my arm to my side, I shook my head. When I made it back to where the ramps were, I saw Shadow, Miya, and Reki talking. Looking around, I spotted Langa doing tricks on the ramp.

"So high!" "What's up with that!?" "That's Snow for you!" I smiled in amazement. He's gotten to such a level despite learning how to skateboard just a few months ago. "Awesome, right?" "Why are you so proud?" "Let me tell you, people won't recognize you. It's your partner."

As I walked over, I threw my arm around Reki. "I know!" "Harsh, Shadow. Reki here also has talent of his own." Everyone turned to me. 

"Mom!" "Mona Lisa!" I smiled. "Yo!" "And what do you mean partner?" "Partner!? That kills me!" "And people will call you 'the guy that's not Langa'."

I threw a warning look to Miya and Shadow. "Shut up..." "Come on, you too. Cut it out." Reki turned and looked away. 

Just then, screaming caught our attention. "You're marvelous as ever!" "Look over here!" "I want to climb that cherry tree!" It was Kaoru.

I made a face as I got an ick. -Yikes.- "It's Joe!" "You're the best." "Hot as ever!" "I wanna rock those abs!" 

My eyes scanned Joe up and down as I bit my lip slightly. -Damn.- I watched as the 2 bumped into each other.

"Outta the way, you stick." "Humans come first, you ape!" Cherry tried to kick Joe but the latter dodged it. 

"A leg sweep is for half assed, you robotic maniac." "Carla!" We all watched as Cherry's skateboard hit Joe's ankle and took him down.

We all winced, knowing the feeling already. "Simpleton." As Cherry started to walk, Joe grabbed into Cherry's ankle and made him fall face first. 

"Don't rely on machines, you four eyes." "You meat headed gorilla!" "Moronic four eyes!"

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