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Taking a big step out of the airport, (F/N) took in a deep breath. As she waited for her ride to come and up her up, she noticed how dead she looked. 

"Damn." Her eyes were puffy from crying and her hair was a mess.

"(F/N)-chan!" Turning around, she was faced with 2 tall males. One with hair like a businessman and the other like a jellyfish. 

With a smile on her face, she left her suitcase and ran towards them. "Princess!" Ignoring the businessman, (F/N) hugged the other man.

"I missed you so much, Rin!" The said male patted the girl's back. "Nice to see you too, (F/N)-chan." 

"WHAT!? After all we've been through, (F/N)-chan!? You decided to hug him first!?" "Well, if you answered my call, I would have hugged you as well, Ran!"

After some back and forth, they all ended up in the car with Ran and Rin in the front seat and (F/N) in the back seat. "Why are you back in Tokyo?" 

(F/N) stared outside the window. "Are you not happy to see me?" "No, it's just that it was very sudden."

The female sighed. "It was a choice I made when I was sad." "Wanna talk about it?" (F/N) explained everything to the brothers. 

"I see." "I don't think you have a favorite. It just seems like it since you took care of the other kid more since he was a beginner."

After hearing what Ran said, (F/N) started to calm down. "I guess I was being very sensitive that I bought a flight to Tokyo, huh?" "Kinda, not like we mind. It felt lonely without you, (F/N)-chan."

The woman laughed. "So, you want to stay at your apartment or at ours?" "Can I stay at yours? I kinda don't want to be lonely." "Of course." 

Opening the door to the apartment, they all walked it. "It's surprisingly clean here." "Hey! Have some faith in us." "Can you blame me? We always had parties here! You probably still do!"

Rindou let out a chuckle. "She's not wrong, aniki. Anyways, follow me, I'll show you to your room." The male leaned against the doorframe as (F/N) settled in. 

"There's no food here so wanna go out to eat after you clean yourself up?"

The female nodded. "Yeah." "What do you want? Ran's gonna pay." (F/N)'s eyes had an evil glint in there. "Something expensive." Rin smirked. 

"KBBQ?" "YES PLEASE!" The man laughed. "Alright, go clean up, old hag." "I'LL LET YOU KNOW, I'M YOUNGER THAN YOU, OLD GEEZER!" 

(Apparently, in the Bonten timeline, Rin is 30 and Ran is 31)

After getting washed up and changed into comfortable yet presentable clothes, the 3 started to head out for dinner. 

During dinner, the 3 started to catch up on what they had missed for the past few months.

"Wait, so some random 1st year told you he liked you but didn't know you were a teacher!? That's hilarious!" (F/N) rolled her eyes. 

"It was so embarrassing! For me and the boy!" Both Ran and Rindou were on the verge of falling off their chairs from laughing.

"It's so not funny." (F/N) kicked both their legs and both had finally ended up on the floor. "HEY!" The female just shrugged and continued to each. 

"Anything interesting here in Tokyo?" The men thought about it. "Not really."

The next day, the 3 decided to go to the mall. Since (F/N) was the youngest out of the 3, both Ran and Rin decided to spend their money on her. 

"You know you guys don't have to spend that much money on me, right?" "Well, it's been awhile since we saw you, so just let us."

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