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POV - (L/N) (F/N)

I stared at Reki-kun's house. "Reki-kun, how the hell are you going to explain to your mother that your teacher, who you skate with, is your friend and is here to hang out? You know that will look weird on me, right?"

The redhead sweatdropped at me. "My mom would understand!" Entering the house, we all took off our shoes. 

"Excuse me." "Pardon the intrusion." "It's fine. This way." Langa-kun and I followed Reki-kun to his room.

Once we entered, I scanned my surroundings. -Lost of posters and skateboards, stickers...- "Just take a seat."

I watched as Reki-kun dug around his desk. "I think it's in here." I sat down on the floor with Langa-kun right beside him.

I was distracted when I felt Langa-kun froze. "Hm? Langa-kun?" I looked over at him and spotted a little girl staring at the both of us. 

When I made eye contact with her, I smiled. The little girl was in awe. "Pretty girl!" "Nanaka!" I heard a woman's voice call out.

The little girl jumped up and ran out the room while Langa-kun grabbed onto the sleeves of my t-shirt. 

"Who was that?" "One of my 3 little sisters." "Reki, why didn't you tell me we had guests over?"

I looked at the door to see Reki's mom. "Welcome, I'm Reki's mom!" I got up and bowed while Langa-kun just stared up at the woman. 

"Nice to meet you, Kyan-san. My name is (L/N) (F/N)." Reiki stood up and stood beside me. "Mom, this is uh, my teacher who is also my friend who skates with me and Langa!"

Kyan-san stared at me, shocked. -Shit.- "You're Reki's teacher?" I sent her a small smile. 

"Woah! I thought you were the same age as the boys." I blushed. "Thank you. You don't look like a mother of 4 kids." Kyan-san smiled and playfully hit my arm.

"What a charmer you are! Thank you for taking care of my son in school and when he skates! I'm always worried if he gets hurt!" I smiled. 

"It's not a problem, Kyan-san." "Oh, please. Masae-san is fine." I nodded. "(F/N) is fine then, Masae-san." The lady turned to Langa-kun.

"He hasn't caused you trouble as well, right? Are you okay?" "Like I would! It's more like me taking care of him!" I giggled. 

"There's no way that's true! More like (F/N)-san taking care of you!" "Why can't you believe your own son for once!?" I looked down and noticed 2 little girls looking at me.

I smiled and waved at them. "Look, it's the pretty girl." "Woah..." "Oh, are you hungry? I have some cake!" 

Masae-san asked Langa-kun and I. The little girls cheered. "I want cake!" "We don't need any!" Reki-kun turned from his desk and yelled.

"You'll have some, right?" With the look on Masae-san's face, we couldn't say no. "Yes." "Yes, please." "I'll get some then!" "Cake! Cake!" 

The lady and her daughters left the room to get some. "It's quite rowdy." Langa-kun looked at Reki-kun.

"A big family only embarrasses you." I smiled. "It can't be that bad." Once the cake came in, Langa-kun and I ate it. "There it is!" 

The both of us leaned over the redhead's shoulders. "What about this one?" Reki-kun pointed at a skateboard.

"The feets are fixed on it. I didn't know these existed." "That would help me feel less scared." "Want me to make it for you?" 

Langa-kun looked at Reki-kun surprised. "Huh? You can make it?" I smiled and ruffled Reki-kun's head. "This boy here can make a lot of boards!"

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