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POV - (L/N) (F/N)

Ever since the day Adam and I broke up, I heard that he left for America from my dad. It was now just Cherry, Joe, and I that hung out together. 

When they saw my bruising cheek, I had told them what had happened, from start to finish. When I mean they were mad, I mean furious.

They had hated Adam for leaving without saying goodbye but with this, they resented him. 

When graduation came, I broke it to the boys that I would be going to university in Tokyo rather than staying in Okinawa. The university had already accepted me and my father approved.

"So, this is goodbye..." Joe trails off. Cherry was looking down at his shoes, afraid if he were to look up, he would burst out crying. I tackled them in a big hug. 

"Dumbasses, I'll be back, I promise. I'll come visit when I'm on breaks." I felt their arms wrap around me. "You better." "I'll kill you if you don't." I smiled softly. "You got it."

*Major Timeskip*

Getting out of the airport, I called for a cab to bring me back home. I had finally graduated university and teachers' college. I'm now 26 and living my life to the fullest. 

Once I paid for my cab, I rolled my luggages to the front door and opened it.

Busy maids and butlers turned to the door, ready to greet the person but once they saw me, their jaws dropped. 

Usually, I would give a heads up to everyone but today, I wanted to surprise everyone. "(F/N)-CHAN!"

They all dropped what they were doing and hugged me. They started to talk at the same time which made me sweatdrop. 

"Did I hear someone shout my daughter's name?" The maids and butlers parted ways for dad to see me. "I'm home for good, father!"

The man, at the top of the spiral staircase, stared down at me before rushing down. Despite being in his late 50s, my father didn't look like he aged at all. 

I felt my father crash right into me as he wrapped his arms around me. Wrapping my arms around him, I heard him whisper. "Welcome home."

Back up, he stared at me. "It felt like yesterday that you were crawling on the floor now look at you! A stunning young woman with a job." 

Father kissed the top of my head. "Go unpack and let's go out for dinner!" I giggled and nodded.

"You got it, father!" I walked up the stairs and headed to the west wing of the house where my room was. 

Opening the door, I saw my packed stuff on the floor but besides that, everyone was kept the same. 

My room wasn't all that colorful, my mother liked the house and rooms more moderned and black and white.

Once I unpacked, I quickly got cleaned up and when I stepped out of my bathroom to go to my closet, I saw an outfit laid down on my bed. 

It was something on the casual side, ripped jeans with white sneakers, a white button up, and a dark green sweatshirt (or anything you would like).

I read the note that was on top of the clothes. "I don't know your size so I don't know if these fit. Love, father dearest." 

I smiled and changed, grabbing a purse, before walking down to the main living room where my father was.

"It does fit, father dearest." Father stood up and smiled. 

"Well, I'm glad then." Father wore black dress shoes with black dress pants with a white button up and dark green cardigan. "Matching now, are we?" "Of course."

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