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POV - (L/N) (F/N)

It has been a few months since I've become a teacher here in Okinawa and when I tell you I love it here, I really do.

The kids have been nothing but respectful towards me and I've created so many friendships with my co-workers.

I could tell that math and English class has become the kids favorite classes which I am thankful for. All my hard work and dedication paid off really well. 

During breaks, the students would love to come to me and ask questions that were not school related, but they were still mindful of my private life.

There is this one student though, his name is Kyan Reki. 

Ever since he approached me and asked if I liked skateboarding, every break he loved going to my room and telling me things about skateboarding.

When I saw him at 'S' the following day, I told him about it the next day at school and he was shocked to find out that his favorite teacher was Mona Lisa from 'S'. I giggled as I entered my classroom.

When I placed my belongings into the closet, I saw a folder on my desk. Picking it up, I opened the folder. It was a transfer student from Canada named Hasegawa Langa. 

"Interesting." When it was 8:30, students started to enter the classroom. "Good morning, (F/N)-sensei!"

I smiled and placed the folder down. "Good morning, students." 

After 1st period, I had Reki-kun's class next. As the class rolled it, Reki-kun ran up to me. I noticed his hand bandaged up. -Oh yeah, he was up Shadow last night.-

"How's the arm, Reki-kun?" "It's fine, (F/N)-sensei!" I sighed and shook my head. 

"You literally fell off your board, honey. Have a seat, you can tell me all about it later." Walking to his seat, my gaze fell onto the new student standing near me.

I smiled at him. "Hasegawa Langa-kun?" The boy nodded. 

"Not that talkative, eh? Well, welcome to the school. My name is (L/N)-sensei but everyone calls me (F/N)-sensei. Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too." The boy nodded at me.

"Don't be shy and come to me if you need anything, alright, Hasegawa-kun? Or would you like to call me Langa-kun?

The light haired boy was shocked by the way his eyes widened. "Langa-kun is alright." The boy smiled slightly.

"Well then, Langa-kun, have a seat, class is about to start." 

Today's math lesson went by real quick so the students had free time and chatted with either their friends or asked me questions.

When there were no more questions left for me, I sat at my desk replying to emails. Just then, Langa-kun approached my desk so I looked up. 

"Uh, (F/N)-sensei?" "Yes? What's up, Langa-kun?" "Well..." I watched as he looked around to see if anyone was listening or watching.

"You seem to be close with everyone." I smiled. 

"I am. It is all about creating friendship and mutual respect among the people around you. And as a teacher, I use it to understand my students and get to know them. They like to know things about me as well."

The male nodded. "Why don't you tell me about you as well. Grab a chair and sit here." 

I motioned to the side of my desk. Grabbing a chair, Langa-kun sat down as I turned all my attention to him. "So tell me about yourself." I smiled.

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