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It was now time for Langa's race against Miya. Before going to 'S', (F/N) had taken a look at Langa's deck. "Hm." She stood up and looked at Reki. 

"It's perfect! The clips and wheels are a great addition to Langa-kun's unique skating style!" The woman ruffled Reki's hair.

"Thanks, mom!" "Come on, Langa-kun is waiting." Running up the hill, Reki was able to make it to Langa and give him his board. 

"Reki!" "Sorry I'm late!" The redhead was panting before he gave the other boy the board. 

"This is your board. Mom had taken a look at it. Now, skate until your heart's content."

Talking about 'mom', (F/N) slipped through the crowd and stood behind Cherry and Joe. 

"That's interesting. Let's place bets on this race." "It wouldn't be a proper race. You also think Miya would win, right?" "What, we agree?" "Reluctantly." "How boring."

The fangirls of each skater squealed in delight. "Well, I'll place a bet on Langa-kun." 

Flinching, Joe and Cherry whipped their heads behind them and saw (F/N) standing there.

"MONA LISA!?" The said girl smiled. "Hey!" "When did you arrive?" "Just now. Now, what's on the line?" Joe and Cherry looked at each other before at the female. 

"100 000 yen." "Deal!" Turning back to the race, they watched as the lights turned green and the flag girl waved her flag.

Taking off, everyone cheered. (F/N)'s eyes watched as Reki entered Shadow's pink car and sped away. 

Turning her gaze to the screen, she found herself smiling. "Oh?" "Has he improved this much in such a short period of time?" "Under certain guidance, of course!"

Cherry and Joe knew what (F/N) was implying. "Even so, Miya has the upper hand." Just then, Langa used a rock to get in front of Miya. 

(F/N) eyes widened before she cheered. "What was that?" "A backside rodeo. It's a trick in snowboarding. Maybe I will win this bet!"

Joe turned to Cherry. "We might lose this bet, Kaoru!" The pink haired male turned to him with a very dark look on his face. 

"Don't call me by that name, dimwit!" Taking a step back, (F/N) watched as Cherry sent a kick to Joe. "Yikes." "OW!"

Looking back at the screen, (F/N) saw the way Langa skated on that board. His wheels really made him feel like he was skateboarding. 

Just then, as Miya started to pull ahead, using a tree, he bounced off of it around the corner in front of Miya.

Just then, Miya took a shortcut with a railslide using the bump on the inner side. 

As the 2 entered the factory, (F/N) whipped out her phone and skated to the final destination. 

"I'm going to the factory! I expect to have 200 000 yen in my bank account by tomorrow! See ya!"

Joe and Cherry stared at the female. "Don't get too cocky!" "We're gonna be the ones getting 100 000 yen from you!" 

As the boys skated through the factory, (F/N) noticed that Miya was blocking Langa from making a jump since he would need a solid approach.

Just before the descending stairs, Miya started to slow down while Langa jumped onto the rails. 

"Stop! The railing is cut off! You won't make it!" (F/N) stared hard at the screen of her phone as she skated downhill. "Come on, honey. You can do it."

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