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"What!? There isn't a hot spring here at all!?" "Looks like you didn't look at the materials given." "I got a map from the hostess." 

Kaoru placed down a map as we all leaned in to see. "It is in the mountains 5 kilometers from here."

He pointed at the map. "It's what you call a 'secluded hot spring'." "Five kilometers, huh?" I grinned at everyone. 

"That's the perfect distance for a beef." "Beef..." "I like the sound of that!" The door slammed open as we all looked back.

It was Shadow all sobered up with his clown makeup on. 

"You're totally ready, aren't you, Hiromi?" "Didn't you sober up?" "The weak me that was controlled by booze was left beneath the mask."

To be honest, I was kinda freaked out. "What's this mark?" We all turned to the map and looked at what Langa was pointing at. 

"Some kind of face?" "Maybe some monkeys show up." "Don't ignore me!" Miya leaned in closer.

"Maybe it's the things the hostess was talking about!" "There is no way they would draw it on the map!" Reki yelled at Miya. 

"Are you scared or something?" (F/N) giggled before passing Miya her handkerchief. "No way! A ghost? I ain't no kid!" Reki proceeded to shiver.

"Realistically, you are. Out of all 7 of us, you, Langa, and Miya are kids." Reki turned to (F/N). "Well, we're your kids, mom!" 

I watched as the female smiled. "Yeah, yeah, you're my kids." I felt myself smiling before it started to fade.

"Have you guys been hearing strange sounds?" "Stop saying stuff like that! Eek!" The air turned cold. "One, two, three..." 

Miya was pointing a flashlight at Kaoru who was cleaning up the plates. "I'm telling you, stop that!"

After all that, we ended up on the streets with our skateboards and robes? the hotel had for us. I wore a striped one and left the front open. 

Everyone else besides Kaoru and (F/N) wore one with a hiragana character on it (im pretty sure, correct me if im wrong).

(F/N) wore one with flowers on them which really complimented her looks (or any design you would like). 

"The first person to arrive at the hot springs will be the winner. You can take any path."

Kaoru passed out mini maps. "So the ability to read maps is also tested." "Langa, honey. Do you really not know how to read a map?" 

Shadow cracked his neck. "Dungeons are my forte." "Just be careful, Miya. Reki, are you alright?"

I watched as (F/N) tended to each kid. I put a smile on my face seeing how motherly she was. 

"Come on! Do we really have to do this? It's dark already, why not do it tomorrow?" (F/N) patted Reki's head. "I'll stay with you then. The rest of you can beef it out."

Reki turned to the woman. "M-mom! That's not needed!" "Are you sure?" "Y-yeah!" 

I saw the way Reki didn't want to ruin the fun for (F/N). -What a caring son.- "Alright, then." "Carla, start the countdown!" "Okay, master."

We all lined up with Reki behind us. "Oh, that's right!" "Three!" "Taking a bath first thing in the morning sounds like a great idea!" 

We all ignored Reki and got ready. "Two! One!" When the horn was blown, we all took off.

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