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In the serene morning light, Luna stood before the bathroom mirror, gently splashing her face with cool water. The droplets caressed her skin, awakening her senses and washing away the remnants of slumber. She took her time, massaging a dollop of refreshing cleanser onto her cheeks, while her eyes sparkled with anticipation.

After patting her face dry with a soft towel, she glided into her bedroom, where her cherished coat hung gracefully on a wooden hanger. The coat, a symbol of love and devotion from her husband on their first anniversary, held a special place in her heart. Its luxurious fabric enveloped her in comfort as she slipped her arms through the sleeves and fastened the buttons with care.

Admiring herself in the mirror, she felt a surge of gratitude for the man who had gifted her this treasured possession. The memories of their love-filled celebration flooded her mind, evoking a smile that danced on her lips.

As she made her way downstairs, the weight of the coat and the warmth it provided brought a sense of security and nostalgia. Embracing herself, she cherished the moments that had led to this wonderful morning.

However, as the day progressed, she noticed an unusual tightness in her chest and a persistent cough that wouldn't subside. Concerned, she decided to call her doctor to seek advice on her condition, realizing that her health was of utmost importance to cherish all the more moments with her beloved husband. “Doctor Aiden.” She calls. “Luna, have you made a decision regarding to the treatment? It's better to start earlier than later.” The other line said. “Thank you, doc. I need more time.”

As Luna walked into the small restaurant, a place she loved dearly, and immediately felt a rush of nostalgia as the familiar scent of freshly baked bread and aromatic spices filled the air. The soft melody of a classic song played in the background, further setting the scene for her trip down memory lane. She seems to notice that the restaurant is getting old since it was built in the 90's. “Luna, you haven't been here for a long time.” A familiar voice calls her name earning a quiet gasp from her. “Hi Chef, Sebastian has been getting busy lately I didn't intend to come alone but here I am now and we moved into a new house.” She replied.

She chose a cozy corner table, the same one she and her husband used to sit at on many occasions. The tablecloth was a deep shade of burgundy, and a flickering candle cast a warm glow, adding to the restaurant's charming ambiance.

As she settled into her seat, she couldn't help but reminisce about the times spent with her husband in this very spot. They had shared laughter, heartfelt conversations, and countless wonderful meals that strengthened their bond.

“Let's eat together. Food boosts energy to earn money.” She giggles handing her Sebastian a plate of their favorite dish. As she looked at him, he bowed. “Something is wrong, Sebastian?” She asked looking worried. When her husband looks at her with teary eyes she caught off guard. “I will never do anything that betrays you for my entire time, Luna.” He cried earning a gasp from her.

Luna smiled as she recalled how her husband cried in front of her and she would tease him about it.

The menu arrived, but she didn't need to look at it. The waitress, recognizing her as a regular, brought her favorite dish. “Luna, have you been working too much? You look skinny. Are you not taking of yourself?” The waitress ask in concern but she just smiles leaving the waitress with no response coming to her.

The food was a delicious pasta dish cooked to perfection, just the way she liked it. As she savored each bite, the flavors took her back to the laughter and joy they had shared together.

The restaurant's walls adorned with framed photographs of happy customers and colorful murals added to the intimate atmosphere. One picture particularly caught her eye - it was taken on their anniversary, with her husband beaming at her with love in his eyes. Her heart swelled with emotion, and she took a moment to cherish the beautiful memories they had created in this very place.

In the distance, she could hear the clinking of glasses and the gentle hum of conversations. The restaurant was filled with the chatter of people sharing special moments with their loved ones, just as she and her husband had done countless times.

As she finished her meal, the waitress brought over a dessert that the chef had prepared, a sweet gesture to remind her that she was always welcomed here. Luna thanked her with a warm smile, touched by the thoughtfulness of the staff.

Leaving the restaurant, she felt a mix of emotions - happiness for the cherished memories she held close to her heart and a twinge of sadness for the loss of her beloved husband. But as she stepped out onto the street, she knew that this small restaurant would forever hold a special place in her heart, a place where she could remember the beautiful moments they had shared together with a love that would never fade away.

“The restaurant is getting old just like our love.”

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