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The night had settled over Aiden's home, casting a serene and tranquil atmosphere throughout the house. In the kitchen, Luna and Aiden sat across from each other, their plates of food mostly untouched. "I don't have much appetite. But I should eat them all up." She thought. Luna's appetite had vanished, a knot of unease tightening in her stomach. She pushed her food around with her fork, trying to muster the will to eat.

Aiden, ever observant, noticed her lack of enthusiasm. "Luna, you don't have to push yourself to eat if you're not feeling up to it," he said gently, his voice filled with concern.

Luna's eyes widened in surprise. "Don't tell me that Doctor Aiden he..."

Her mind raced with thoughts she tried to suppress. "Is Aiden very that observant? Or maybe he has a feelings on me? No, that's not possible. I'm just a poor and pale patient only." She dismissed it quickly, attributing her musings to overthinking. Still, the idea lingered as she stared at her plate.

After dinner, Luna insisted on washing the dishes. Standing at the sink, her thoughts kept returning to Aiden—his kindness, his attentiveness, the way he made her feel safe. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more beneath the surface.

Aiden walked into the kitchen, seeing Luna engrossed in her task. "Hey, how did you end up washing the dishes the moment I turn to feed the dog. You are my guest, but you are doing my chores. Are you trying to make me feel bad?" he said.

She turned to protest, but he gently took the dishcloth from her hands. "The water is cold, Luna."

Reluctantly, she stepped aside, and Aiden began to dry her hands with a cloth. As he did, he noticed the fever that had plagued her was finally gone. "Your fever is finally down. If you catch a cold again, it would be terrible... thing." But then his eyes fell on the ring on her finger, and his expression shifted to one of sadness.

Luna followed his gaze and saw the sadness in his eyes. "It's been wiped dry." She awkwardly pulled her hand away, her heart aching with the weight of unspoken words. "Oh, sorry. I blanked for a moment. Go take a shower and leave these chores to me." He said and she nodded.

That night, as Luna slept, Aiden quietly entered her room. He approached her bed, pulling the blanket up to tuck her in gently. For a moment, he sat beside her, watching her sleep, his mind filled with conflicting emotions. "How did I end up like this..?" He admired her strength, her resilience, and felt a deep affection growing within him.

His thoughts were interrupted when Luna whispered in her sleep, "Sebastian, I'm cold."

Aiden's heart sank at her words. The name was a sharp reminder of the man who still held her heart, the man who had caused her so much pain. He backed away slowly, the sadness in his eyes deepening.

He left the room, the weight of unrequited feelings pressing down on him. As he closed the door, he resolved to be there for Luna, to support her through her struggles, even if his own heart would have to endure the silent agony of unspoken love.

The morning sun cast a golden hue over the landscape as Aiden drove Luna home. The car ride was filled with a tense silence, each of them lost in their own thoughts. Luna couldn't help but notice the dark circles under Aiden's eyes and the way he stifled yawns as he navigated the familiar roads. His usual composure seemed frayed, replaced by a weariness that tugged at her heart.

"Aiden, did you not sleep well last night? Did I disturb you?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Aiden's grip tightened on the steering wheel. He glanced at her briefly before returning his focus to the road. "Not at all." he replied, his tone cool and distant.

Luna bit her lip, sensing the unspoken emotions behind his words. She felt a pang of guilt, wondering if her presence had caused him undue stress. Determined to bridge the gap, she took a deep breath and tried again. "I was thinking, maybe I could treat you to lunch today? As a thank you for everything you've done."

Aiden shook his head, a slight frown marring his features. "That's not necessary, Luna. You need to focus on your recovery. I'm gonna take a rain check. You should go home and take a rest." he said more firmly, his voice leaving no room for argument.

The rejection stung, but Luna nodded silently, understanding that he needed space. The rest of the drive was marked by an uneasy quiet, each of them wrestling with their own thoughts and feelings.

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