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"How come you are raising this kind of flower? I thought you hated them." Sebastian said as his voice is getting grumpy. "My friend gave that to me. I couldn't decline though." She said looking down not wanting to hear her husband's complain again.

"Which friend? From where? Do I know him? He gave you such expensive flowers for you to try out for fun? Are you even listening to me?!" He grabbed her arms that left her in shock.

"You are allowed to go outside to put up a front and have fun yet I am not allowed to make friends?!" She screamed. "What the fuck are you talking about? I'm working my ass of at the office working overtime and you're thinking of something shit like this?!" He screamed angrily at her face as she shivers in front of him.

"Can you let go of me?" She looked down as he slowly let go of her arm that it gotten red from his grip. "Who knows if you already have someone out there! You won't even let me touch you! That damned plant is already enough for you to make a down payment for a house!" He said that left her in shock.

"It's that expensive?"

"If you aren't willing to return home, the get out! I don't care what you do! So you should leave me a alone!" She screamed.

Tension fills the air as the husband's demeanor changes, and his actions become inappropriate when he already raised his hands beginning to slap her. His wife, feeling scared and vulnerable, begins to cry, her tears reflecting the soft glow of a nearby lamp.

As she pleads, "Are you really going to hurt me?" her voice trembles with fear, searching for a glimmer of empathy in her husband's eyes.

Suddenly, Sebastian's face softens, and a wave of realization washes over him. He sees the pain he has caused and recognizes the hurt in his wife's eyes. His heart sinks with regret as he realizes the gravity of his actions.

In that moment, something shifts inside him. He takes a step back, swallowing his pride and acknowledging the hurt he has inflicted. The weight of his actions becomes apparent as he witnesses the impact they have had on the person he loves.

Seeing Luna's vulnerability and hearing her desperate plea, he understands the severity of his actions and how close he came to crossing a line that should never be crossed.

Guilt and remorse wash over him, and he feels a profound need to make things right. As he watches her tears fall, he knows he cannot undo the pain he has caused instead he leaves her alone crying in pain.


"Doctor Aiden." She called holding a box of something she don't want to reveal. "Luna, you are here to collect medicine on such a cold day? Here drink some water." He handed her a one glass of water but before that he handed him something he didn't expect to come back. "I've come to return this, Doctor Aiden." She smiles. "It's just a potted plant. If you are bothered by how delicate it is, don't be." He said as he watches her drinking the water he gave.

"I've vomited some blood earlier today." She said. "I've already adviced you to start with the chemotherapy as soon as possible. Aren't you only 25 years old? You are still young. Why you must torture yourself like this?" He asked. "I will think about it again, Doc. Is the medicine ready? I don't feel well.."

"If you are still not going to go through with therapy, I will stop giving you medicine! I am helping you ask around for a suitable bone marrow, but if you don't start to value yourself, no one else would able to help you." He caught off guard. "If every doctor is like you, I believe there would be fewer patient doctor conflict." She giggled.

"Alright, you don't have to start attaching labels to me. I am resting for the afternoon shift. Let me accompany you to collect your medicine. After collecting the medicine, I will bring you home. It's not easy getting a cab during this time of a day." Doctor Aiden said as he wears his coat while watching Luna smiles at him.

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