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Seated in the cozy waiting area, Luna fiddled with her phone, her eyes occasionally darting towards the entrance of the doctor's office. She had been waiting for what felt like an eternity, her nerves slightly frayed from anticipation. The room was filled with hushed whispers and the rustling of magazines as other patients bided their time.

Suddenly, her attention was caught by a muffled conversation that emanated from within the doctor's office. She couldn't help but eavesdrop, her heart heavy as she listened to the voices of parents who had just received devastating news. “Doctor, our son really has leukemia..?” Their voices trembled with disbelief, anguish seeping through their words, as they absorbed the weight of their son's leukemia diagnosis. A lump formed in her throat, empathy welling up as she imagined the flood of emotions they were grappling with.

As the conversation inside continued, a quiet ache spread through her chest. Her mind wandered to her own parents, her memories like snapshots of moments when she had fallen short of their expectations.

“If my parents are still here, they could've felt sorry for me too. Even if I'm a bad daughter..”  She bit her lip, feeling a pang of guilt as she reflected on times she had rebelled or failed to meet their standards. Despite the complexities of their relationship, the realization struck her that her parents would undoubtedly worry about her if they were here in this moment.

Lost in thought, she almost missed the approach of footsteps. Glancing up, she was startled to find Doctor Aiden standing in front of her, a warm smile on his face. Doctor Aiden's presence shattered her reverie, pulling her back to the present. “I'm sorry to keep you waiting. What are you thinking, by the way? I called you a few times and you didn't even hear me once.” Doctor Aiden said with his genuine tone. “Sorry, I didn't pay attention.”

She stood, tucking her phone into her bag as she followed Doctor Aiden into the office. The concerns of her own health now at the forefront of her mind, she tried to shake off the heaviness she had felt moments ago.

As Luna walked into the Doctor Aiden's office, her nerves fluttering slightly as she removed her jacket, revealing a glimpse of her neck. “Luna, tomorrow you should get chemotherapy first-”

As she hung her jacket on a nearby hook, her eyes met Aiden's for a moment, and she detected a subtle change in his expression. His eyes widened briefly before he quickly resumed his professional demeanor. “What's wrong, Doctor Aiden?” She asked as he got cut off before.

Unsettled by the brief flicker of surprise she thought she had seen, she attempted to dismiss it as mere imagination. However, doubt gnawed at her as she took a seat and glanced at the him. Just as her unease started to settle, her phone erupted with a loud ring, filling the room with its cheerful tune. “Hello, what's wrong?” She said on while speaking silently on the phone. “I'm not coming home tonight. Don't worry about being an inconvenience, eat something nicer. Luna.. did you hear me?” Her heart skipped a beat as she fumbled to silence the call, casting an apologetic look at Aiden. “I heard you.”

Aiden gave her a polite nod, allowing her to step outside to take the call. Her footsteps echoed in the corridor as she put the phone to her ear, her voice hushed and slightly tense as she spoke to the person on the other end.

A few moments later, she hung up, her expression conflicted as she re-entered Aiden's office. Taking a deep breath, she met Aiden's gaze, her voice carrying a hint of hesitation. “I'm sorry for the interruption. I forgot to mute my phone.” She said while feeling uneasy.

“Do you have a husband?” Aiden asked. “That was my... roommate.” She smiled. “Your neck has hickeys.” She hesitated, a mix of emotions flickering across her face. “Ahh is something wrong with it?” She smiled.

The doctor gave her a reassuring smile. “Not at all. I don't care about this kind of thing, but I don't know what circumstances you guys have. Your health is our priority. Now, let's get back to discussing your concerns. First, do you think your body can endure it? Second is the most important one, what is your relationship? Since examination until treatment, it's always been you alone.”

“Doctor Aiden, It's me who didn't tell him. I'm afraid he'll be sad. Then there's no problem, right?” She asked. “... Yeah, then come tomorrow for the chemotherapy.”

As the conversation shifted back to her health, Luna couldn't shake the feeling that Aiden's gaze had lingered a fraction too long on her neck earlier. She pushed the thought aside, focusing on Aiden's words as he addressed her questions and concerns.

In the end, Luna left Aiden's office feeling both relieved and perplexed, the memory of Aiden's widened eyes and the hidden hickey on her neck lingering in her mind.

As Luna stepped out of the hospital's sliding glass doors, the warmth of the sun kissed her skin, offering a comforting contrast to the sterile environment she had just left behind. Her thoughts were still centered on her recent medical appointment, the weight of Aiden's words lingering in her mind.

Lost in thought, she took a deep breath of the fresh air and began walking down the sidewalk. However, her footsteps slowed as she noticed a cardboard box sitting near a nearby trash bin. Curiosity piqued, she approached the box, her heart clenching as she saw movement inside.

Peering into the box, her eyes widened as she discovered a litter of tiny kittens, their eyes barely open, their mewing cries pulling at her heartstrings. The realization struck her that they were abandoned, left on the streets with no one to care for them. Her empathy and compassion surged, overpowering any previous thoughts.

Kneeling down, she carefully lifted the box, cradling it against her chest as she scanned her surroundings. The bustling city streets seemed to fade into the background as her focus shifted entirely to these defenseless creatures. With a determined smile, she made her decision. She couldn't leave them here to fend for themselves.

She hailed a taxi, her heart racing as she climbed into the back seat, the box of kittens nestled securely in her lap. The ride back home was a mix of anticipation and responsibility, her fingers occasionally brushing against the cardboard, her mind already racing with plans to care for her newfound companions.

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