3-Min Jewan?🍁

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Hey............. 💚💜

........... Busan National University ..........


Namjoon stop his car infront of the university gate tae looked at his dad with his big bambi eyes nervously joon smile and caresses his bread cheeks and open his seatbelt.....

"Don't be nervous okay and don't make much friends focus on your study and eat your lunch on time" joon said and peck on his forehead tae nodded all the time like an obedient kid well he is a 17 years old though but always a baby for his parents....

"I will come at 3:30 to pick you up wait for me don't need to go alone" he said softly tae said an okay....

"Now can I go" tae whine joon chuckle and nodded his head tae smile and came out of the car and closed the door and wave at his father he also wave back with a soft smile then tae enter inside the uni he knows his dad don't go from here till he didn't went inside the uni joon drove away when he saw tae enter inside the uni safely

Inside the university......

Tae enter inside the uni and look all his surrounding amusingly with his sparkling big bambi eyes and enter inside his department happily he love to study his best friend is his books he don't have any friends and he don't want any friend he is happy with his parents, books and cafe yeah he also help his parents in evening time after study....

Tae enter inside his class room when he came from the principal office with his schedule and asked a student his classroom he looked around and saw a seat empty in the middle of the class so he went towards the seat all student talking with each other some knowing each other some already has friend some student looking at tae but he didn't looked at them and sat on his seat silently.....

"Excuse me, is this seat empty or someone gonna seat here." tae looked up and saw a cute boy standing with his sweet smile he also have dimple in his both cheeks and pointing his finger beside his seat tae just shook his head and that boy smile widely and sat beside tae excitedly....

"Ah thank god! I got seat in a proper place and got a beautiful classmate" the boy said while giggling tae looked at him with his wide eyes and quickly look down on his book with red face

"Omo! You are so cute" the boy said again when he saw tae shy face....

"Btw i'm Choi Soobin, what's your name beautiful?" Soobin asked with smile tae didn't looked at him and clench his book tightly nervously soobin frown did he make him uncomfortable he think....

"Sorry if I make you uncomfortable it's okay if you don't want to talk with me once again sorry" soobin said sadly and sat quietly tae feel sad and a pout automatically come on his lips...

........ Seoul( At YD Headquarter)


In a luxurious pool site a man in his mid 40's sitting on a bossy chair like a king well absolutely he is a king most dangerous 'Mafia King' in underworld and a famous CEO of multinational company his one look is enough to make your heart stop because of fear he is a handsome muscular and hot man alive even in his mid forties...

In a luxurious pool site a man in his mid 40's sitting on a bossy chair like a king well absolutely he is a king most dangerous 'Mafia King' in underworld and a famous CEO of multinational company his one look is enough to make your heart stop bec...

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