35-One-Sided Date.🍁

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............... One-Sided Date

Tae getting ready lazily to meet Jk's Lover aka his butterfly while sulking.

Tae wear blue loose jeans, white shirt put earings, and a silver shining chain while something mumbled in anger.

"Please wear something presentable. I don't want my lover think about you low." Tae imitate jk's voice and huffed a cute pout adoring on his cherry lips.

He smile shyly after remembering jk's word when he see his reflection in the mirror.

His smile fade away soon and clear his throat while looking at his own reflection up and down.

He is checking himself is he okay or not as jk asked to him. He shrugged and pick his phone and a cute little bag.

He hang bag on his shoulder and keep his phone infront jeans pocket and went outside of the home before look at last time in the mirror.


Jk waiting outside of the big music hall for taehyung while writing some code on the tickets.

He is wearing blue tight jeans turtle neck tshirt, check grey and black shirt and a long court he is keeping on his shoulder.

He checking everywhere time to time if tae is come or not because the place is crowded.

He looked amusingly when he spot his butterfly in crowd. His eyes are wide and mouth ajar after seeing him.

 His eyes are wide and mouth ajar after seeing him

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Jk parted lips curved into a small smile while looking at his beautiful would be boyfie or maybe wi...*caugh*

'looking ethereal like always an angel.'

Jk thought grinning ear to ear in his mind. He keep tickets and pen in his long court pocket carefully.

Tae looking here and there searching for jk and his butterfly while roaming his doe blue eyes in the crowd.

Jk wave his hand several time after calling his name, he snap his head to that direction.

He spot him waving his hand he wave him back smiling. Jk sign him come to him he nods his head.

Tae roam his eyes around jk but he didn't find anyone.

'Maybe he didn't come yet either.' Tae mumbled and made his way towards jk while looking down and tugging his hair behind his ear with a blank face.

' Tae mumbled and made his way towards jk while looking down and tugging his hair behind his ear with a blank face

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