42-Happy Family.🍁

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Hey.............. 💚💜


Everything is going so fine in Taegukk life while enjoying and spending lovely moments beside each other in every up and down.

Tae start teaching violin in a music school and jk finally apply for xxxx center waiting for his selection.

It's been 6 months of their marriage. They are so happy and sweetest couple ever.

Namjin happy for their babies and they adore this couple alot heartily.

Right now tae writing some notes and sipping his juice. He look behind when heard jk clearing his throat.

Tae giggles when he saw jk standing with some flower with his cute bunny smile.

"Hey beautiful and most beautiful soon to be mumma

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"Hey beautiful and most beautiful soon to be mumma." Jk flirted he giggle and cupped his face while batting eyelashes cutely he chuckled.

(He is the same person who get angry and annoyed by this man's flirty habit now he is enjoying with him.)

Jk peck on his lips mumbling before his lips miss you's and love you's he reply before pecking him too.

"Flowers for my sweetest petal." Jk said while pecking on his lips he smile shyly and look away with his blush cheeks.

Jk giggle and start pecking on his jaw to cleavage make him giggle too and moan too.

Mhm gukkiiee heheh it's tickling." Tae giggled he hummed and start sucking his sweet spot and made a hickey.

He peck on his hickey smiling proudly and looked at his wify who his smiling.

He peck on his hickey smiling proudly and looked at his wify who his smiling

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"Thank you gukkie." Tae said taking those flower and inhale flower sweet fragrance jk made him sat on his lap.

"It's sweet." Tae said jk hummed while admiring him with his bambi heart eyes.

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