47-I'm Not A Begger.🍁

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Hey............. 💜💚

.............. (Trust me I cried alot)

Painfull night....

(Happy Reading?!)

Tae cried sitting on the sofa alot while caresses his baby bump mumbling jk's name.

He flinch hold his baby bump when he his baby kicked. He cried mumbling mumma will save you bun no one will harm you.

He snap his head when he heard door room open he breathed heavily in so anxious.

He sigh in relief when he saw lisa and Wooshik. He make grabby hands lisa run towards him and embrace him.

They cried alot whooshik sigh while looking at his watch and taelisa.

"We have to leave this place lisa as soon as possible." Wooshik said they looked at him helplessly while nodding
their head.

"What are you doing." Tae asked when he saw wooshik pouring oil whole place and went in the kitchen to open gas.

"I'm going to burn this place so, they will think you and your hyungs die in this natural disaster." Wooshik said he nods his head crying looking at sweet home.

"I decorated my home with so much love." Tae said crying his heart out lisa cried too while rubbing his back.

"You told me you are feeling pain on the call." Lisa ask checking him top to bottom he nods his head blankly.

"Let's go." Whooshik said coming from upstair they nodded and left the house.

"Let me do this." Tae ask blankly he looked at him for sometime and gave him match and tae himself burn his own house and saw with his void eyes.

"Where is my husband." Tae asked while sitting in the car carefully with lisa help.

"I don't know and will surely help if I got to know about him." Wooshik said and drove away his car and he call someone.

"Hello vickey I burn that house you can keep those dead bodies in the house." He said and cut the call tae looking outside of the window with his blank face lisa looking at him moist and worried eyes too.

He take him hospital Dr gave them 4 hours time for delivery. Wooshik, lisa waiting outside anxiously walking back and forth.

"How's he dr and baby." Lisa asked dr he smile while patting her shoulder.

"Congratulation it's a baby boy." He said lisa smile happily in her tears his boyfriend console her in his embrace.


They went inside and saw tae pecking baby's forehead, nose, cheeks his tears falling from his eyes too.

"Noona can you please gave him to jin hyung before something happen to me." Tae said blanky while wiping his tears.

She nods her head crying and sat infront of him caresses his cheeks and peck on baby's forehead.

"He is beautiful as you." She said he nodded smiling mumbling. "Bambi." pointing towards his eyes crying his eyes remind him his husbun Jeongukk

2 days later.....

"Tae wake up we have to go from here right now." Lisa said patting on his cheeks softly he look at her confusedly
still nods his head.

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