49-Life Goes On.🍁

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Hey................ 💚💜

.................. 2 years later

Graduation Ceremony.....

"Please welcome our university topper and gold medalist Jeon Taeyeon. He is going to join xxxx center, they himself offer him for this post because of his excellent and hard work.

We are grateful and proud to have him in our university. His parents are lucky to have a child like him.

Jeon Taeyeon please come on the stage to take your degree and medal."

A professor call him while praising so much his family smile proudly yeon smile shyly and went towards stage.

Chief guest gave him medal and his degree while congratulate him too.

Principal insist him to say some word on this day. He noded head nervously.

He stand infront of mic looking at his parents and family with soft smile & they are clicking his photos smiling.

"Good morning everyone. I'm really happy today not for me also for my appa Jeon Jeongukk."

Yeon said with his moist eyes jk sigh heavily while biting his lips and look at joon. He chuckled rubbing his back.

"He dreamt about for this moment 2 decades ago for himself, unfortunately he didn't join this center but I promise myself I will make his dream true one day so here am I."

Yeon said blinking his eyes to control his tears showing his self to others a soft smile playing on his thin lips.

Jk wipe his tears he is feeling so much overwhelmed right now joon hug him

"We share same dream so it's not hard
for me to achieve this goal.

I'm really thank full to my parents Mr Jeon Namjoon and Jeon Seokjin. They made me able to pursue my all dream and my Professor of course It's not possible without yall and my uncles."

He said chuckling looking at his dada, mumma and all professor with smile. He sigh heavily with his moist eyes.

"I can't able to thank a person ever in my whole life. He gave his everything just for my bright future and for my life."

Yeon said sniffing his family also cry with him. Jimin hug tae who is crying mess right now.

"My gardian angel, my most beautiful mother of the world Jeon Taehyung. He sacrifice his everything for me.

My family suffered alot to keep me save and to bring me on this level.

I learn so much thing from them and from life too.

It's really difficult to live a happy life in this cruel world with your dreams.

But they taught me if we are with our family everything will be fine and easy in the end.

I want to sing some lines please allow me.

Yeon said giggling student and prof allow him heartily with wide smile.

"There's no end in sight~~~🍁
Is there a way out?

My feet refuse to move, oh
Close your eyes for a moment~~~✨

Hold my hand...
To that future, let's run away, oh oh oh.

Like an echo in the forest...
The day will come back around.💫

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