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Hey.......... 💜💚


Evening Time At Namjin Cafe Shop

Tae sitting in the counter pouting and mumbling 'meanie' to his parents they cooing at him controlling their laugh

Thing is he isn't drink his banana milk since morning because his dada forgot to buy drink and he can't think straight without his energy drink...

"Baby I'm sorry now stop whining ok I will buy your banana milk later." Joon said tae huffed and look away he sigh

"Taetae why didn't you go and buy banana milk by yourself from jack uncle's store." Jin said tae look at jin sparkling eyes he chuckled and ruffle his hair...

"No, don't go alone I will buy for you just wait a little more." Joon sternly said tae pout and start sulking again

"Dada pwwse, I'm big boy now let me go and jack's uncle store It's just 5 min away from hear I will buy and come instantly. Pretty pwwsseee." Tae said cutely showing his puppy eyes joon trying his best to not melt in his tricked he groan and nods his head

"Yeah, thank you dad. I'm going mom byeeeeee." Tae said excitedly and run

"Slow down baby and come quickly." Joon shout jin shook his head...

"Okay dada." Tae shout back and wave his hand Last time joon also wave at him with his dimple smile...

"Why you said him to go alone huh." Joon said a little bit angrily jin sigh sadly

"What's the problem if he buy a drink for himself joon, and Jack's store is just in some minutes far. Nothing will be happen to him." Jin said calmly he sigh and nods his head...

Convenience Store...

Jk eat his dinner at a small stall in the street and came inside a convenience store to buy his banana milk...

He take a last banana milk bottle and went towards billing section to pay...

"Taetae dear banana milk are out of stock and the last one a man took it now look their he is paying bill for his banana milk." Jack said and point to a man tae look at there with his big bambi eyes his lips make an O shap...

He saw a man in full black outfit also wearing a mask and standing in line for paying his bill he pout and look at jack with his puppy eyes he sigh and rub his forehead...

"Why don't you go there and show this puppy eyes to him I'm sure he will give you

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"Why don't you go there and show this puppy eyes to him I'm sure he will give you." Jack suggest tae gasp and shook his head instantly..

"Look at him he is so muscular and look like a gangster what if he will beat me or shout at taetae humph." Tae huffed and pout angrily at jack he chuckled and raffle his hair ...

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