27-Sweet Moments.🍁

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Hey.......... 💚💜


(I don't know about coma patient. Like how they feels after gaining his conscious I just wrote what comes in my mind so please co-operate 🙂)


Taekook sitting beside each other on the bed.

Tae resting his head on his husband hard chest listening his heart beat with a soft smile.

Jk caressing his hair and packing on his temple time to time mumbling sweet words.

Tae squinted his eyes and tilt his head a little bit, jk look at him mumbling what happened?

G...wf...... Tae tried to say, shuttering like a baby jk smile widely and peck on his lips.

Sorry baby, had gone out of my mind. Wait a minute... Jk said and made him
comfortable on the pillows and went towards his secret room.

He came with a medium size box tae already looking at the box in curiosity

Jk sat infront of him and open the box
his eyes shine in happiness. He look at jk smiling ear to ear seeing his gift.

You like it baby. Didn't I promise you? If you gain your conscious back I will give you this as a gift...... Jk said while showing his gifts he nods slightly his head with a happy smile.

Jk place the gift on his lap carefully he look at his gift shining eyes he slowly lift his hand and keep on his gift his dream violin. Jk smile admiring him.

Tae's dream violin

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Tae's dream violin....

Lwe.... Tae said looking at jk he nods his head. 'I know you love it baby.' Jk mumble peck on his forehead.

... With JaeYeon

JaeYeon walking in a hall way yeon admiring everything in between his way. Jae admiring him secretly with his side eyes.

This is my room, next is jun and other way my parents and jun's parent room.... Jae said pointing his hand towards every room.

First yeon flinch when he sudden talk then he nods with a tight lips smile looking at the room.

Where's bunny uncle's room.... Yeon ask looking here and there jae stop on his spot and turn towards him.

On the third floor, no one allow to go there except mom, chan, baek and uncle..... Jae said seriously with his cold face he nods his head curious.

Why??? Yeon ask looking at him with his curious bambi eyes he gulp his saliva and look away he squinted his eyes.

Uncle is so possessive he don't like if anyone see or touch his wife... Jae said after clearing his throat in a scary way to make him scared but yeon giggle at him.

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