36-My butterfly.🍁

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Hey......... 💜💚🦋

..................... Confession


Tae sigh and turn towards jk but he is not in his place. Tae furrowed, looking everywhere anxiously.

"Gu..kk" tae mumbled roaming his doe eyes everywhere, he looked down and gasp widing his eyes while keeping his hand on his mouth shockingly.

Jk chuckle at him while kneeling down infront of him with a small box of ring.

"No, it can't be true." Tae mumbled to himself while looking everywhere and saw others already looking at them.

Some people shooting their video too and excitedly looking at them waiting for their sweet moments.

Some people shooting their video too and excitedly looking at them waiting for their sweet moments

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"Its true My butterfly." Jk said looking at him. He looked back if someone is standing behind him or jk really called him butterfly.

"Taehyung!!!" Jk called his name with a heavy sigh. Tae looked at him tears fall from his doe eyes. Both staring at each other.

"I took so much courage to confess my feeling to you, so please don't break my confident because of your shocked and listen my words attentively." Jk said he nodded his head sniffing silently while biting his lower lips to control his sob.

Jk take a deep breath to calm down his racing heart and gulp some saliva to wet his dry throat.

"I tried my best to not love you and move on from my one side-love,

because I thought you like someone else.

I didn't wanted to ruin your life then at christmas I got to know you don't like him.

I always saw love for me in your eyes but I neglect this.

I thought I were in so love with you that's way i'm seeing love for me in your ocean eyes.

Also I don't want to forced you once again. So, I didn't purposed you again.

But 1 week ago I saw your gloomy face when I told you about my lover.

I saw tears in your eyes maybe for loosing me."

Jk said while looking in his doe eyes, tae silently listening and sobbing looking at him helplessly.

"When I saw you first time, I drown in your blue ocean orbs and I lost myself when you compared me with your pet cocky."

Jk said chucking tears form in his eyes too. Tae giggle at him while crying.

I don't know when I fall for you so deep without my knowledge when you enter in my heart without my permission.

Still I want to love you forever and ever.

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