5-Become Addicted.🍁

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Hey......... 💜💚

......... Seoul at YD Headquarter


Jk whimpering in so much pain in a dark room. He is searching door to get out of here in this dark room his whole body mixed with his own blood and with mud. He is running continuously to open a door but he ended in the same room. Then he saw some lights coming from a corner he smile with his cut lips and run their as fast as he can.

He smile widely when he saw his cute and beautiful wife standing at the door
He smile with his tears eyes his angel wide his arm with his boxy smile and calling him to come in his arm jk smile and fasten his speed. He hult on his step when door start closing he shout don't closed the door but alas the door shut down infront of his face jk slide down while crying and continuously bagging on the door to open shouting continuously but no one hearing him and someone harshly hold his hair from behind with tight grip he whimper in pain and heard his wify crying sound from outside of the room he cried loudly and plead the man who griping his hair but he only heard dark chuckled and laughing sounds echoing in dark room loudly....

Jk abruptly sat up on the bed he is sweating badly breathing heavily he sigh and rub his forehead and eyes while wiping his tears and sweats...

He look around his room and sigh in relief. He groan and lay his head on back head of the bed...

'Come in' jk coldly said and looked at the door and saw jimin's came inside worries clearly visible on his face he sigh and come towards jk's bed....

"Did you sleep well I heard your whimpering sound that's way I came here instantly" jimin said and pour some water in the glass from the jug and give it to jk who take it and gulp in one go and gave back glass jimin took it and keep on the table....

"Yeah, now i've become addicted to living like this " jk said sadly and chuckled bitterly jimin sigh sadly and sat on the chair....

"Did you take your medicine" jimin asked not meeting his gaze with jk 'yes' jk said he nodded and rub his forehead because he knows he lied to him but jimin didn't ask anything

"I'm going to busan with suga hyung we will stay there as we planned till than take care of yourself and do visit with us sometime in a month or in a week" jimin said with his moist eyes jk nodded while looking at his wify photo which is hanging infront of the wall jimin follow his gaze and he also start admiring the photo he smile with his moist eyes then looked away instantly...

"I'm going now bye" jimin abruptly stand up and rush out of the room jk looked at the closed door then again start looking at his beautifull wify picture with his hurt eyes......

"My Beautiful Angel" Jk whisper and went outside of the room to see off suga and jimin.......


Busan National University


"So who is coming to pick you up" soobin asked and stand beside tae, he flinch when bin suddenly asked tae glare at bin he scratches his nape smile nervously 'sorry' bin mumble tae nodded his head and smile at him

"My dada" tae said and looked at the gate waiting for his dad's car patiently
with his warm smile....

"Oh! Well I will go with my bicycle" soobin said tae nodded still his focus on the road....

"Am I bothering you?" soobin ask tae snap his head towards soobin and shook his head bin smile and looked down....

Both were talking randomly suddenly they flinch when some boys and girls start screaming and shouting happily
they looked at each other confusedly then shrugged...

"Excuse me noona what's happening there" Soobin asked to a girl she smile at Soobin and pinch his cheeks he shy and looked down

"Omg! You both are so cute didn't they are, minjae"she said excitedly and looked at his beside boy who nodded with his dimple smile tae and bin both become a whole red tomato....

"Well these bitxhes are always like this. They always start fanboying on our college heartthrob and yeah also boys drooled over him he is so hot, handsome and cool same time but an grumpy and cold boy on top of that he always sleep in class and no one say anything to him not even professors can you two believe this" she said in one breath and rolled her eyes minjae chuckled at her and both lost puppies who still starting at her in so much confusion.....

"Well they always screaming and shouting like this whenever they saw our college heartthrob as well our senior look he is coming and yeah his friend also is famous like him in all uni department" minjae said and they both looked at the direction...

They also look at the direction where minjae point his finger and they saw a tall handsome boy with cold face coming towards their department with his friend he also a handsome boy and have same cold face....

Tae breath hitch some red tint visible on his puff cheeks and his ears, same goes to soobin when he saw uni heartthrob's friend they immediately looked away when they come near...

Tae and bin exhale his breath which they are holding after they passed by them tae heart skip when he saw side profile of one's senior face he clench his bag strap tightly and make a fist other hand he look away quickly
before anyone notice his reaction...

"Omfg! They were so cool isn't it pretty" Soobin blunt he is still looking at them tae wide his eyes and start looking his surrounding becoz bin said loudly in excitement minjae and noona chuckled at both cuteness

"So, you both are freshers" she asked both nodded hesitantly tae look down in shyness...

"Hii i'm nancy and he is my bestie minjae we are your senior" nancy said and wave his hand they also wave back and bow she giggle and forbad them to bow....

"You guys are really cute you both can ask anytime help from us if you need our help" minjae said they nodded their head like an obedient kid nancy pinch their cheeks one more time and left with minjae saying bye they smile at them.....

"Wow! They are so nice and good senior aren't they" bin said tae nods cutely... Tae look at the gate when he heard his dada car horn he happily wave at his father and looked at Soobin...

"Soobin let's go I will introduced you to my dada" tae said excitedly bin hesitantly nodded his head then they both went towards RM car....

"Dada" tae said and hug him tightly RM chuckled at hug him back soobin look at them sadly he is missing his father.....

"Dad he is my friend Choi Soobin" tae said when he pull away from hug rm looked at him Soobin quickly bow 90 degree he chuckled and ruffle his hair bin smile at him....

"Dada he also have dimple see" tae said and poke bin dimple rm laugh and nodded his head bin looked at tae in surprise did he really this much talkative person...

"Let's go baby, Soobin come with us I will also drop you" rm said to bin who shook his head and said he came here with his bicycle rm nodded tae wave at bin he also wave at them and both sat in the car and left, bin smile at them and left to take his cycle.....


To be continued.......


THANK you.... ❤️

Any question???

Take care be safe... 💜💚

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