6-Without You.🍁

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Hey........... 💜💚

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In the car.....

Tae frown when his father turn his car towards home direction not cafe shop....

"Dada, aren't we going cafe today" tae ask with his wide Bambi eyes he looked at his son and give him dimple smile....

"No baby, today some friends of mine coming so I thought to go home early and help your mother" joon said tae smile and nodded his head and looked infront of the car.....

"Wow! This is the first time i'm going to meet with dada's friends" tae said excitedly and cupped his own face happily joon chuckled and raffle his hair softly tae giggle and lean back on the seat and looking outside.....


"Mom we're home" tae shout joon chuckled and they both sat in the living jin came with a glass of water and a glass of banana milk tae smile and kiss his mom cheeks and take his banana milk and start sipping his milk cutely jin coo at him and raffle his hair plant a kiss on his forehead and give water to joon who take it and drink his water jin also sat beside joon....

"Joon, when will be they come here?" jin asked tae looked at them curiosity

"Maybe around 7 or 8 at evening" joon said while looking at his watch jin nodded and asked him what he make dinner for them joon said some dishes name which they liked and some tell add others dishes himself jin nodded

"Hey, my little cub how's your first day in uni" jin asked excitedly and sat beside tae and start giving him lots of peck on his forehead on his cheeks he start giggling jin smile at him....

"Good, all teachers are good and mom I also made a friend he is cute and has dimples on his both cheeks and we met with two seniors they also were nice with us and w..... Like that he start his blabbering about his college jin listening all his blabbering heartily joon looked at them so much love....

"baby, go fresh up yourself and wear a nice dress today guest are coming" jin said tae nodded and run upstair jin giggle at his cute baby he went inside the kitchen joon also went in his room to fresh himself....



Namjoon went to open door when he heard a bell ring jin also follow him joon open main door and saw his friends and their son he smile at them
While greeting...

"Jin hyung" a pretty male said and hug jin tightly he also hug him back tightly with moist eyes they are meeting after so many years....

"How are you jin hyung?" Pretty male ask crying jin start crying also joon caresses his head...

"Shu jimin don't cry and please let's go in the living room" jin said sometimes later after calming him down they all nodded and came inside the living room and they talking their heart out with each other they are meeting so many years after all...

"Here take this Yoongi and you too jimin" joon said while offering them refreshment they nodded and took the glass ...

"You too young man, he is your son right jimin" jin said to jimin who smile and shook his head...

"No, he is hobi's and kai hyung son kim Yeonjun my son is outside parking his car" jimin said jin said oh with a node....

"No, he is hobi's and kai hyung son kim Yeonjun my son is outside parking his car" jimin said jin said oh with a node

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