11-Carban Copy.🍁

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............................ Previous Chapter

Jk came inside his room and curse himself after bursting out on jimin and headed towards washroom but hult and stop on his spot.

............................ Present Chapter

"You shouldn't shout on my soulmate like this hubby he only cares for you
because you come this late afterall." Tae said pouting sternly a little bit angry on his husband how can he shout at his best friend jk smile and turn around hesitantly and saw his love of life his angle standing infront of him glaring at him angrily still look like a cute baby tears gush in jk's eyes

"Ba..by" Jk called brokenly he huffed
Jk chuckled at him with his teary eyes

"Don't baby me humph." Tae huffed and sat on the bed angrily looking at jk...

Jk smile and hesitantly sat beside him admiring him top to bottom with his wide bambi teary eyes

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Jk smile and hesitantly sat beside him admiring him top to bottom with his wide bambi teary eyes...

"Why are you crying now after scolding my bestie." Tae said raising his eyebrows jk giggles...

"I didn't want to shout at him it's just happen in anger. He told me you are not here im crazy I'm hallucinating you tell me baby I'm hallucinating you or you are really here with me." Jk ask emotionally looking at him helplessly

Tae pout sadly and caresses his cheeks jk close his eyes some tears slips from his bambi eyes tae wipe his tears...

"Swwwy hubby, but jimin didn't know about me right and it's unbelievable to him so, let them speak don't react much." Tae said playing with his shirt button a pout adoring on his lips jk nods his head admiring his beautiful wify...

"How can I abled to see you today baby." Jk ask tae smile at his hubby

"You ask for it didn't you at the temple." Tae ask and poke on hus puff cheeks jk nods his head surprisingly

"I asked many things to him but he only heard this." Jk said he look at him in disbelief...

"He will make your all wish come true hubby Just wait for right time then he will make everything alright." He said
and patt on his cheeks jk smile sadly

"How much I've to wait angle. 18 yrs is not enough." Jk ask desperately tae connect their forehead caressing jk's nape with his both hand jk hold his waist...

"Just a little more hubby don't loose your hope im here with you right beside you. Now go fresh up then you will sleep in my arms." Tae said jk nods his head...

Jk came out from washroom after changing his night suit and lay on the bed looking at tae, he sitting on the bed thinking something...

"What are you thinking." Jk ask tae snap his head and smile at his hubby he also lay beside him jk snuggled in his embrace tae caresses his back...

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