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Hey................. 💚💜

...................... 3 years later

(Photos, vidoes and song credit to right full owner...)

In taegukk room......

"Hubby please help me." Tae whine jk chuckled while fixing his tie and nods his head.

"What happened to my butterfly." Jk asked coming towards him and peck on his pouty lips.

He sulk hugging his husband dearly he hug him back while caressing his back and pecking on his earlobe.

"Your dear love! Isn't listening to me.
Look he isn't wearing his clothes i'm tired to roam around him." Tae said pouting he chuckled pecking on his forehead.

"Don't stress on yourself baby. Your hubby is here I will make him wear clothes. You go and get ready too." Jk said pecking on his nose tae smile widely and peck on his chin.

"Thank you my husbun! Erm You are looking so hot and sexy too." Tae said shyly and peck on his piercing lips he giggles.

" Tae said shyly and peck on his piercing lips he giggles

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Imagin him with blazer too. 💞🔥

"Only for you bub." Jk said smirking he giggle while hiding his face in his crook.

"Now, hurry up otherwise we will be late for our own son marriage." Jk remind him he gasp nodding his head and run towards washroom he smile shooking his head.

He looked at his 4 years old son while raising his an eyebrow and keeping his both hand on both side waist.

"Love! How many times I told you to not trouble your mumma." Jk said in his deep cold voice he pout playing with his iron man toy jk cood at his cute son.

"You can trouble me as much as you want ok, but not mumma." Jk said he nods his head smiling. Jk smile while taking him in his arm.

"Let's make my son more handsome." Jk said while going towards his room he become so happy while clapping his hand happily made his dad giggle.


Jk came downstair where his whole family waiting for them already jin smile at his big and his little son.

Jk came downstair where his whole family waiting for them already jin smile at his big and his little son

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