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Hey........... 💚💜

................. 6 months later

(Tae's age 19 and Jk's age 22)

Jk always stay gloomy and act happy infront of everyone with fake giggles and laugh.

Jin knows his laugh is fake and his smile too but he thought to ignore this because it will only cause him hurt more.

Tae alway stay sad and probably lost somewhere in his thoughts in class and everywhere.

Lisa asked so many times about his sadistic face and he told her everything about Namjin, Jk and bogum.

She were so shocked after listening this and she try her best to console him and make him feel better while talking about some positive words.

"It's your life Taehyung and you will choose better for your life. Do what you wanted to do not listen to the people just listen to your heart what it wants and think about your dream." Lisa words to tae.

Jk complete his graduation two month ago and he got top rank in whole seoul city.

Namjin celebrate his graduation in a decent resturant along with lisa and tae.

Taekook avoided each other after greeted with soft smile. Jinlisa notice their awkwardness.

They thought to do something for them because they aren't talking with each other since tae broke their marriage.

'Jk asked apologize again tae told him he were not at fault so no need to ask sorry.' These were their last words they share with each other.

They always ignore each other whenever they met in family get together.


Bogum and tae are going towards their classroom hurriedly. Tae keeping his books in his bag while walking.

He bump into a person and his books fell on the floor bogum hold his hand and shoulder protectively.

"I'm so sorry." Taegukk said together and looked at each other wide eyes jk bow while apologize. He looked at bogum hands on Tae's shoulder with his moist eyes.

"Carefull bro or else you will hurt my bub." Bogum said jk heart ached after hearing sweet name from bogum. He asked sorry again while bowing.

"It's my fault, no need to apologize." Tae said and bent down to collect his books jk also help him.

"Btw what are you doing here." Gum asked to jk. He gave some paper and book to tae and looked at him.

"Professor choi called me here for assisting him." He said avoiding his gaze he nodded.

"Oh! its great! right bub." Bogum said smiling and asked to tae he nodded keeping his books in his bag.

"Congratulate and please help me if I need your help in this subject." Bogum asked laughing he nodded his head a soft smile.

"We are getting late gumie Hyung." Tae said while looking at his watch.

"Oh shoot! Yeah you are right. Excuse us." Bogum said while holding tae hand, both run towards their class.

Jk looking at their back and holding hand, glossy bambi eyes. He bit his lower lips and made his way towards prof. Choi's cabin.

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