45-What Did They Do?🍁

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Hey.............. 💜💚

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Taegukk Room.....

Jk humming a melodious song for his wify. He is looking at him with his doe curious eyes. Jk smile pecking on his both eyes and lips.

"You want something?" Jk ask brush  their noses, he nods his head.

"Wh..at did the..y do to y...ou? Tae ask tears slide from his doe eyes and form in his bambi eyes. Both staring at each other into eyes.

"We will talk about it later." Jk said avoiding his gaze he shook his head.

"Wh..y you alw...ays ign....ore my this qu..est..ion." Tae said angrily crying.

"So, I never hallucinate about you." Jk whispered in his cracked voice he roll his eyes made him laughed and peck on his rosy cheeks.

"You aren't well baby I will tell about this later hmm." Jk said calmly but he stubbornly shook his head glaring at him with his teary eyes he sigh.

"I'm a str...ong bby." Tae said proudly he nodded his head with moist eyes while pecking on cherry pouty lips.

"Indeed you are love. You are." Jk said in low voice sincerely and peck on his nose.

"So, they.." Jk quite for sometimes and sighing heavily and kept his head in his embrace while inhaling his calm and sweet fragrance to make himself calm.

"They beat me and torture me for two days while accusing so many charges on me and forcing me to claim those crimes which I didn't even think about it in my whole life."

"They didn't took me in jail. They kept me in a basement of a mansion. I got it we are deceived very badly and it's all pre planned.

Jk said crying in his embrace tae caressing tears falling down from corner of his eyes.

"Seo came to me one day, he show me a video of yours. You were laying on the cold floor without your baby bump."
Jk shiver because of that thought and tae hold him tightly in his embrace caressing his back.

My whole world crushed under my feet. My heart stop beating for some times. You know what they told me."

Jk said while cupping his face in his both hand and looking into his eyes with his bambi teary eyes.

"That they already killed my baby and will kill you and hyung, if I didn't claim all crimes. So I sign those paper."

"They asked me to accept all accused and they will released my all family and let me talk with y'all for once but I already know they will not let me meet to you and hyungs still I sign those false papers.

Jk cried a lot in his embrace he pull away from his embrace and cupped crying tae's face in his both hands while connecting their forehead both cried into each other arm.

"I were waiting for y'all for 1 week. They didn't gave me any answer they always beat me and made me starve.

Then, after one more week some men came and told me they are shifting me in other basement"

Jk said his breath quivering and his body trembling so badly tae mumbled in his cracked shuttered voice some beautifull words to make him calm.

Later they stop their car infront of a forest area. I prepared myself to not break this time I've to do anything to get out of here I can't give up on my life so easily and I also wanted to meet my family too but I were helpless that time

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