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Hey........ 💚💜

I re-upload this chapter, I make some changes so please read this again so y'all understand next chapter without any confusion.... 😊


Morning At Min Mansion.....

Jk wiping tae's hair softly with wet towel after wiping his whole body with wet towel.

He dressed him and make him ready like a doll his baby doll and made him lay on the bed softly Tae's eyes stuck on his husband not leaving jk for a single second except blinking.

He is staring at him all the time jk didn't complaining though he is liking his stare on him so much he is feeling butterflies in his stomach and warm in his heart.

What? What are you staring at huh??? Jk ask wiggling his eyebrows playfully tae knitted his eyebrows annoyed jk chuckled at his cute expression.

Jk peck on his furrows he closed his eyes lips curved a little upward in to a small smile jk caresses blush cheek of his baby.

Someone blushing mhm.... Jk teased him giggling and peck on his both cheeks.

I love you so much........ Jk whispered before his lips red shed paint on his bread cheeks he lower his eyes.

Answer me, don't lower your eyes baby..... Jk said nosing his bread cheek

Tae closed his eyes tightly breathing heavily jk caresses his hair softly and peck on his jawline

Look at me.... Jk whisper tae open his eyes and look at him with his moist eyes.

I will wait. Don't push yourself.... Jk mumble brush their noses with a small smile tae blink his eyes tears slip from corner of his eyes jk wipe it quickly shook his head 'dont cry.' Jk mumble.

He tug him in bed like a small baby, and patting his head lullabying him
tae didn't sleep peacefully at night because of nightmares.

When he dozed off he call jimin in his room taking care of him, they never leave him alone.

He left the room when baek and jim came inside the room with his cold and void eyes.

Time skip...
Busan National College...

Yeon came in the college at morning, he attend all his classes with Soobin. Yeon told him about his vacation but didn't told him about destination. It's a surprise from his dada he make this excuses like this.

Soobin is happy for yeon same time he is feeling sad because his bestie going on a vacation now he will be left alone in this whole university.

Soobin threat him to call him daily or text him whenever he get time he said 'of course is that even a question.'

After his classes Yeon went directly towards principal office he enter inside after taking his permission.

He greet bowing and take out letter, give to the principal with a nervous smile.

He read the later and look at him furrowing he look down biting his lower lips nervously.

Your exam are next month and you are taking leave for 2 month woah Jeon Taeyeon are you even real.... He said while throwing letter towards him he catch it pouting. Well he is not wrong though.

It's an emergency sir.... Yeon said he look at him in disbelief.

What's more important than your exam huh.... He ask annoyingly yeon sigh and look at him.

My and my parents happy life... Yeon said with a tight lips smile he taken back furrowing.

He angrily approved his letter and told him to put this letter on letter box yeon nods his head happily while taking the letter and leave from cabin
bowing with a soft smile mumbling thank you he nods his head.

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