18-Wait For Me.🍁

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Hey........... 💚💜

................... Jeon House

After saying bye to min & kim family, Jeon family came inside the house and this time yeon take Jk's number and he happily give him his number.

They are cleaning the house that's when tae's phone ding indicating he have some msgs yeon furrow when he saw notification jae sent him messege.

'Is he left something here?' He thought and click on the messege

"Come outside of the house right now and don't tell anyone about this." Yeon read Jae's Msg...

He wide his eyes look at his parents nervously and again back to jae's messege...

Yeon gulp his saliva nervously he keep his phone back in his pocket quickly while smiling at his parents.

"Dada should I take those garbage and keep them outside in the trash trunk so in morning they will be able to take this garbage soon."Yeon ask hesitantly

Namjoon look at him squinted eyes and look at the garbage bag then nods his head and continued his work

Yeon sigh in relief take the garbage bag and made his way outside of his house.

Outside of the house...

Jae waiting for yeon impatiently he is sweating badly looking at the house time to time nervously his heart start beating fast throat become dry he gulp some saliva to make his throat wet when he saw yeon come outside of the house and smile at him.

He furrowed when he sign him come backside of the house he nods and follow him and saw he is keeping bag on trash trunk he chuckled.

"Why you call me hyung." Yeon ask and look at him for answer Jae look away he took some courage and clear his throat and look back at yeon both staring each other jae take and deep breath...

"I were talk rudely at fresher party mhm I shouldn't tal.... cut off

"Yeah you were rude a little bit but its okay you were worrying for me so don't need to apologize." Yeon said giggling jae give him a small smile..

"Are you sure, you aren't mad at me right?" Jae ask hesitantly yeon shook his head.

"I'm not mad at you hyung." Yeon said he smile.

"This is for you." Jae said and forward a box yeon furrows 'birthday gift.' He mumble yeon giggle and take that box

He gasp when he open the box and he saw an expensive diamond bracelet he look at jae in disbelief jae furrow.

"You didn't like it." Jae whisper in sad tone yeon shook his head instantly.

"I love it, this is stunning but I can't take this much expensive gift sorry hyung." Yeon said and forward box towards jae he look at him sadly.

"Then what should I do now to this bracelet." Jae ask and take back the box yeon fiddling with his figure.

"It's returnable right." Yeon mumble he shook his head yeon make an 0 shape with his lips...

"Why can't you take this and It's gift we shouldn't see his price." Jae sulk and a little pout adoring on his lips yeon coo at him mentally.

" Jae sulk and a little pout adoring on his lips yeon coo at him mentally

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