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Once Pastor Spears came over and prayed Lola and Trevor seemingly forgot what they heard. He was my guardian angel. I was back in church regularly. I even joined the praise team. It's as if the church was waiting on my commitment.

The praise team is done. We're walking off of the stage, but before I sit an usher comes up to me saying, "Pastor Spears needs you in his office."

I nod and then proceed to the back of the church. I knock on his door. "Come in Sister Mae. I have a preaching engagement at another church right now. I've ask Pastor for a few supporters. Will you please support me this morning?"

"I'd be honored Pastor Spears."

"You need to return to the sanctuary for anything?"

"Nope. I was instructed to gather my things."

"Great. Follow me, or if you want, just leave your car here and ride with me."


Pastor Spears preaches great as always. Afterwards the six of us that supported all go out and fellowship. Pinky had texted me at noon asking where was I. Once headed back home I call her.

She answers, "Where'd you sneak off to?"

"Pastor Spears had an engagement at another ministry so he invited me to support him."

"Oh. Well, how was it? Y'all just now getting out of service?"

"Well, of course Spears brought the house down, but that church was so out of order, it was comical. We definitely brought some excellence into the place." I laugh.

"Well, we shouldn't enter another church with that type of arrogance."

"I'm teasing Pinky. Lighten up. ...So what did Pastor preach on today?"

"Humility not humiliation, was the title of his sermon."

"Sounds good. I'll download it once I get settled. Well, I'm home. Let me get relaxed for a minute. You can call me back later if you want."

"Probably not, I'm going to mentally prepare for work."

"I—Oh! Pastor Spears's calling me! Okay talk to you later. ... Hi Pastor Spears."

"Hey Mae. I was calling to get your feedback on today's message. I know most will praise me even if they disagreed, but not you. So I just wanted to hear your feedback."

"Seriously, it was perfect. I could tell it may have been a tad too deep for that church, but other than that, it's was powerful and full of revelation."

"Amen. ...Well, what are you about to get into?"

"Nothing. About to wind down and mentally prepare for work tomorrow."

It's silent so I hear him breathing. I kick off my shoes and undress right in my living room. He then says, "Well, I won't hold you. Thanks again for your support. Good night."

"Good night Pastor."

I'd call Pinky and tell her what just happened, but I know she's feeling some type of way. The few weeks I've been a regular I've been invited to so much and asked to do so much. Pinky has been faithful forever and I doubt half the members even know her name. I told her stop being a pew warmer and get more involved, but that didn't go over well, so I'm just doing me. She can either get involved or keep sitting back hating on me.

It's now past 8 p.m. and my phone buzzes. It's Pastor Spears. He texts:

Pastor Spears: I couldn't rest without telling you how nice you looked today.

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