Fresh parents

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"good morning my queen" Loki tell you with a soft voice.

You just lie next to him sleeping, then Freya start to cry and Loki walk over to her, but she is hungry.

"darling I don't want to wake you up, but she is hungry" he tell you with his soft morning voice.

"oki I'm up I'm up" as you sit up to feed her.

She eat and are calm in her parents arms. After you fed her Loki took her and waited for a burp, took a cloth and waited for her to gulp so she could go back to sleep. Loki took a book and started to read cuz he couldn't go back to sleep at 6:30AM, you kept sleeping until 10AM.

The team were up were up while you slept a lot after Freya came to the world. Every morning Loki apologize for you being in the bed sleeping the first two weeks. They understand that you and Loki are tired after Freya came so they just nod.

11AM you come down and say "good morning guys, what's the time?" you ask while taking your morning coffee.

"11AM" Tony said then you spit the first sip in the sink.

"what!! How did I miss the morning meeting" you panic.

"darling you needed the sleep because Freya woke us up 5times this night for food so they understand" Loki tell you.

"y/n it's oki" Nat say.

"Loki y/n take a break from the missions the next month's" Tony command them.

"no dad please let me come with you!" you beg Tony.

"you are not allowed to come with us until your child is old enough to have a babysitter" Tony tell you.

"dad?" coming from everyone.

You look at them and get a nervous smile.

"since my dad died I kind of saw Tony as a father figure so asked him if I was allowed to call him dad" you said shyly.

"it's actually true guys" Tony confirmed.

The team was shocked. Loki saves you and take you back to the room.

"stay here" Loki told while you were sitting on the bed in his room.

He got you some breakfast. While you waited for Loki to come back you checked on Freya several times. He comes in with some toast and strawberry next to it. You give him a kiss and take the food and eat it on the desk.

"why do call Stark dad?" Loki asked curious.

"even tho I had a dad I saw Tony as a father figure" you answer him.

"why?" he ask back.

"because he care about us Loki" you tell him bad.

After the conversation you walk straight back to the bed with Freya and you don't let Loki touch her the next hour cuz you gave birth to her.

"y/n don't be like this my love" he say with a soft voice.

You ignore him then you start to cry and hold the baby, but Loki takes her while you cry and put her back in the crib and get in the bed with you then hold around and hug you, while you cry you hug him back.

"I know this is a big change with Freya in the world and you not going on missions but I'm going to be here by your side my queen" he said and tried to make you feel better.

You look up at him and give him a smile as he give you a small kiss back followed by a hug.

You walk over to Tony and "I understand that you don't want me on missions now. I wanna be with my daughter but what about Loki? Is he coming with you guys?"

"no he is going take care of you and your baby" Tony respond.

"oki, I need someone to help me with Freya so I'm happy it's Loki" you tell Tony.

You go back to Loki's room and tell he is going to take care of you and the baby while the team are on missions the next months. Loki doesn't got anything against being with you and his little princess. He walk to the kitchen and get some tea while you get in the bed and work a little on the laptop while you could still hear Freya. When he came to the room he sat in the chair by his beautiful daughter. Loki loved to just see her sleep, she was so peaceful.

When he finished his tea he got in the bed next to you while you were gone in the work.

Loki touch you on the shoulder and you jumped and said

"jesus, you scared me" you told Loki, while holding on to your laptop.

"I'm sorry my love" he giggled.

"i was working here" you told him.

"then maybe you need a break my dear" Loki smirk as he close the screen.

"maybe I do need a break from work" as you came with a small smile.

He put the laptop in your nightstand and start to kiss you while Freya slept. You let Loki take the lead while you just relax and let him be dominant. You enjoyed every second and at the same time you had control over where your daughter were. He dragged your shorts and underwear off slowly and you smiled down at him while he took it off. He kissed your hips and the inside of your thigh and he loved it as much as you did. It was like a drug both you and Loki got from each other, but you needed it a little more than Loki right now.

After you were done you fell asleep while Loki had to stay awake if Freya needed something, but she mostly slept like you the next days. Loki was just reading books and drinking tea and eating an apple now and then.


"hunny?" you said while opening your eyes.

When you turned around Loki was gone and not a sound from the crib. You went to check on Freya but she was gone so you started looking for both Loki and your daughter in panic.

"Loki Freya! Loki Freya?!" you yelled in panic in the tower looking everywhere and found them play with the team in the living room.

"see who is awake and wanted to play" Loki smiled to you while holding Freya.

"I tough she could see the tower while you were sleeping and I needed to get out of the room so I took her out for a walk" as Freya held Lokis finger and bite it.

"she likes you hunny" you smile to Loki.

"she likes her mother more" he smile back and give you a kiss while holding the baby.

He take a heaven crib hanging from the ceiling and put Freya there then hug you from behind while you make lunch.

"do you wanna do something or sit outside and look at the view with me?" Loki ask you soft in the ear.

"sure" you answer back with no reaction and walk with your food.

"you don't react on what I just said?" He ask.

"no your magic doesn't work on me anymore" you answer him while the rest of the team are gone on missions.

You walk out while Loki follow you like a dog as you mind your own business. He took a seat next to you and ask "why dosent my magic work on you?"

"because you can't control me anymore Loki" you tell him.

"i don't know it just dosent work anymore!" while you eat.

"but my magic work on everyone" he say loud to himself.

"maybe it is something special with me then" you smirk.

You finish your food and give him a kiss just cuz you love him. He kissed you back and wanted to go longer but you stopped him and said "it is enough with one right now"

"can't I just pleasure my stunning fiancé" he smiled to you. "oki" you smiled back to him.

After the pleasure he take you to the bed.

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